BAE4400 Topics in Processing Fall 2006 August 22 through September 21 1 hour credit Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Welcome Introduction Website Syllabus Schedule 225 AgHall Conveyor Class? Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Pumps – Lectures 1 & 2 Reading: Chapter 4 in Henderson/Perry Handouts: Pump Ed 101 PD Pumps Part I Recip. Pumps Pump Ed 101 PD Pumps Part II Rotary Pumps ITT Goulds Pumps friction loss tables ITT Goulds Pumps Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals ITT Flygt Engineering Reference Guide Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Pumps – Lectures 1 & 2 Assignment: Read Chapter 4 in Henderson/Perry Read Handouts: Pump Ed 101 PD Pumps Part I Recip. Pumps Pump Ed 101 PD Pumps Part II Rotary Pumps ITT Goulds Pumps Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals HW # 1 Due 8/29/06 Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Pumps, Fans, Compressors--Turbomachines Turbomachines: change energy level of flowing fluid by means of momentum exchange 2nd only to electric motors in number Wide spread in ALL industries Power units: cars/trucks, tractors Computers Grain elevators Oilfield Water supply/treatment Food processing And……. Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Pumps, Fans, Compressors--Turbomachines Differences between pumps, fans, compressors Pumps: move liquids Fans: move gases with little increase in pressure Compressors: move gases with greater increase in pressure Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Mechanical Efficiency Ratio: Power Output: English Units, HP: Example: pg. 90 Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Mechanical Efficiency Pump providing 300 gpm at 750 psi powered by a 150 HP motor Q=300 gpm, P=750 psi, Pi=150 hp What is the mechanical efficiency of the unit? Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Pumps Two types Flow rates Pressure Flow characteristics Displacement - plunger - piston - rotary Low High Pulsating Dynamic - centrifugal - jet - airlift Steady Flow Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Displacement Pumps Reciprocating and Piston Pumps Crank Connecting rods Pistons or plungers Vol. efficiencies > 97%, Mech. eff. approx. 90% For more stable flow, increase number of cylinders Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Displacement Pumps Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Displacement Pumps Rotary Pumps (gear, lobe, screw, vane) Most popular: gear pumps 90%+ mechanical eff. Relatively constant output Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Displacement Pumps – Plunger/Piston Capacity: Power unit size: Example: pg. 2, Pump Ed 101 Part I Handout Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Dynamic Pumps Centrifugal Relative simplicity Mech. eff. as high as 90% Can handle fluids containing suspended solids Ease of maintenance…good for food products 2 parts: impeller and casing Radial, mixed, axial flow Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering
Performance Curves Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering