STEMTech 2010 Streaming Video for Developmental and Remedial Mathematics
About INTELECOM Established in 1970 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation Owned and Operated by 29 Community Colleges Courseware and Content Developer: Telecourses eContent Digital Media Selling Points: INTELECOM is a non-profit corporation; Approximately 80% of revenue generated by sales goes back into production of new content; INTELECOM is owned and operated by community colleges. We are by, of and for higher education. Our mission is to develop content that colleges can use.
Developmental Math: The Problem Of all community college students, 60 percent place into remedial education classes, which include developmental mathematics. In addition, up to 70 percent of community college students referred to developmental mathematics do not complete the sequence of required courses. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Source URL: Selling Points: INTELECOM is a non-profit corporation; Approximately 80% of revenue generated by sales goes back into production of new content; INTELECOM is owned and operated by community colleges. We are by, of and for higher education. Our mission is to develop content that colleges can use.
Use of Technology in Developmental Math Education Improvements in technology can lead to changes in what is taught in mathematics and how it is taught. Educators need to keep abreast of technological changes and to use technologies that enhance teaching, learning, and assessment of teaching and learning. AMATYC The Use of Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Selling Points: The INTELECOM Online Resources Network was developed in response to increasing demand from faculty for rich media – video being very popular – that can be used in their online courses. Video content had to be short, topic-specific, “digestable” for students. In other words, clips that run 3-7 minutes in length. Schools also need a streaming solution. They don’t have the capacity to stream content themselves. Content had to be free of copyright infringement risks. YouTube is a problem on many campuses. Not so with a valid subscription to content on the INTELECOM Online Resources Network. As with subscription databases, new content is added regularly. Usually every six months.
Growth of Streaming Video More than 10.2 billion videos were streamed in the U.S. alone in June 2010. Nielsen Since 2007, educational videos have … experienced considerable growth, from 22% of online adults watching this type of video in 2007 to 38% watching in 2009. Pew Internet The State of Online Video June 2010 Selling Points: The INTELECOM Online Resources Network was developed in response to increasing demand from faculty for rich media – video being very popular – that can be used in their online courses. Video content had to be short, topic-specific, “digestable” for students. In other words, clips that run 3-7 minutes in length. Schools also need a streaming solution. They don’t have the capacity to stream content themselves. Content had to be free of copyright infringement risks. YouTube is a problem on many campuses. Not so with a valid subscription to content on the INTELECOM Online Resources Network. As with subscription databases, new content is added regularly. Usually every six months.
ModuMath Basic Math Wisconsin Technical College System Foundation “ModuMath” Basic Math Multimedia Course Agreement to Parse Video Into Object-Level Clips Content Review (Caren McClure, Santa Ana College) Caption Funding from California CC Office Age Appropriate Presentation 300+ Basic Math Video Tutorials Hosted, Streamed on Demand
INTELECOM Online Resources Network® Subscription Video on Demand Launched in January 2008 3,000+ Educational Videos Object-level Clips (3-5 min.) Core Curriculum Collections Appeal to “YouTube Generation” Address Learning Styles Introduce Rich Media to Online Courses Meet Quality Matters Standards Preview Site Selling Points: The INTELECOM Online Resources Network was developed in response to increasing demand from faculty for rich media – video being very popular – that can be used in their online courses. Video content had to be short, topic-specific, “digestable” for students. In other words, clips that run 3-7 minutes in length. Schools also need a streaming solution. They don’t have the capacity to stream content themselves. Content had to be free of copyright infringement risks. YouTube is a problem on many campuses. Not so with a valid subscription to content on the INTELECOM Online Resources Network. As with subscription databases, new content is added regularly. Usually every six months.
Repository Features Content + Hosting Professionally-Produced Academic Video User-Friendly Interface Permanent URLs, Embeddable Flash Players Videos are Closed-captioned Web Video Citations “CMS / LMS Agnostic” Supports IP, EzProxy Authentication Bb, SoftChalk Media Search Integrations Video for iPhone/iPad (In Development)
Campus Applications Create Media-Rich Interactives Supplement Online/Hybrid Courses Develop Online Tutorial Websites Enhance PowerPoints Support Adult Basic Education F2F Instruction (Smart Classrooms)
Content Authoring SoftChalk - Media Search Tool - v5 and v6 Blackboard - Free Bb Building Block - v8, v9, and v9.1 Expl. Decimal Notation
Additional Resources The Math Page NROC Khan Academy Factivation for Multiplication Teacher Tube The Math Page Math Forum Algebra2go AMATYC NADE
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For More Information Cameron Cox Thank You!