Design for Europe — Design for Europe is a one-stop destination that shares best practices and evidence on how design can add value to businesses, public sector and policy-making. We believe design is about more than just the way things look, it’s about transforming the way they work. Our aim is to help people use design to accelerate innovation across Europe, boosting economic growth and job creation.
How— We are building a growing community using design to bring together the latest success stories of design innovation policy and practices. — We are sharing and showcasing these stories and practical tools through our website ( and a series of events across Europe to increase the awareness and uptake of design.
The tools we’re building will help— Businesses — Develop great products, services and brands Public Sector — Improve the experience and effectiveness of public services Policymakers — Shape policy to create the conditions for design-driven innovation
Filisia Business case study Working with users to design products to support people with disabilities Background— People with special needs often benefit from active musical engagement, but traditional musical instruments can be difficult for them to handle. How design helped— Filisia’s team collaborated with rehabilitation centres, therapists and people with musculoskeletal and cognitive challenges to develop a range of concept solutions. Outcome— A new assistive technology product that has won 2 major awards for social innovation.
Visit Presentation title: Arial 64pt (teal: C63 M0 Y16 K0) Insert EU flag and the text (co-funded by the European Union). Please align this according to the guideline lock up. Insert you logo here box. Please align this according to the guideline lock up. Insert similar background graphic to the badges (for consistency) and save colour swatch according to the badge palette agreed.
Annex 1 – User-focused approach
User focus approach— Participate by using the site— share knowledge, contribute to discussions, translate case studies Help build the knowledge base— suggest case studies and resources, host an event in your region Join the community— sign up to the mailing list, take part in the user survey DfE brings together the latest tools and insights, eg, EDII projects Reference to H2020 and design related funding opportunities