MCAA: Marie Curie Alumni Association


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Presentation transcript:

MCAA: Marie Curie Alumni Association Brian Cahill 25th January 2018 1

BACKGROUND 2 European Commission Marie [Skłodowska] Curie Actions [M(S)CA] have been a key element of EU R&D policy across successive framework programmes MSCA promotes / assists international mobility of researchers Estimated 100 000 researchers have benefitted from MCA Need to ‘extend’ benefits beyond the formal contractual MSCA experience by creating an association – the MCAA Marie Skłodowska-Curie (1867-1934) 2

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 3 3

MCAA Membership (over 10,000 members) 4 4 4

MCAA Structure 5 5

Global Chapter Coverage 6 6 6

European Chapter Coverage 7 7

Working Groups 8 8

Gives Feedback to the Commission Advises Members Training Researcher Career Development 9 We support the career development of our members regardless of whether they want to make career in academia, in industry or in some completely different role. MCAA Runs events Runs surveys Gives Feedback to the Commission Advises Members Training Supports MSCA Proposals 9

Science Communication 10 Science Slams European Researchers’ Night Standing Up For Science Workshops 10

Training Courses 11 11

Bridging Science/Business 12 MCAA has hosted Webinars to provide information to our widely distributed membership 12

Bridging Science/Business 13 Innovation and Technology Transfer are a topic that win great interest from our membership and are an important part of our focus. Sciencepreneurship: Research is done. What’s next? MCAA Austrian Chapter TU Wien Joint Meeting of the MCAA Polish Chapter and Bridging Science Business Working Group Gdańsk 13

Bridging Science/Business O Bridging Science/Business 14 Innovation and Technology Transfer Workshops/Bootcamps Idea and potential identification and evaluation Licensing or Spin-off: The decision making step Protection of Intellectual Property (IP) How to start up: Entrepreneurship and Business Model Generation Raising Funding/Investment: Venture Capital and so on Presentation of workshop results – Pitching Potential Partners TU Dresden TU Delft TU Vienna (i2c) Innovation Workshops are a possible contribution of MCAA to MSCA proposals. 14

support RISE/ITN/ERN Proposals with a Letter of commitment Involvement in MSCA Proposals 15 MCAA can support RISE/ITN/ERN Proposals with a Letter of commitment promote ERN events among our membership publish IF Expressions of Interest on our Web Portal Has experience of many of the critical areas for MSCA projects: researcher career development, intersectoral careers, innovation/startups, training, science communication, open science, gender equality, and so on. 15

Book Project 16 16

+ MCAA General Assembly 17 2-3 February 2018 at KU Leuven 17 MCAA Web Site 18 Membership opens to current and past fellows, supervisors and coordinators 18

BRIAN CAHILL on behalf of MCAA Thank you for your attention 19 BRIAN CAHILL on behalf of MCAA 19