Climate change is not the most important environmental issue By: Aaliyah Washington, Aliyah Sosa, and Kayla Cruz
What is Climate Change? A change in global or regional climate patterns and the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. This could be a change in Earth's usual temperature or it could be a change in where rain and snow usually fall on Earth.
The Effects of climate change Is climate change bad? How bad? Is there any good coming out of it?
Why climate change is not as bad as it seems According to climate alarmists and environmentalist, climate change is the cause for everything. From deforestation to why the Arctic is melting, but is climate change the big problem today? We all can agree that the earth is changing, but what if there was an even bigger problem? That problem would be over population.
“We’ve burnt huge amounts of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, gas), bred huge amounts of methane- producing livestock and cut down vast swathes of forests, which would naturally absorb carbon dioxide from the air.” From the World Wide fund of Nature article “The Effects of Climate Change”
The effects of overpopulation As you can see, we have burnt more fossil fuels ever than before because of the population increasing over time. Our population has increased drastically over the years which is why we use more fossil fuels to support ourselves which causes more carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere. If we keep up going at this phase imagine the amount of carbon dioxide that will be in the atmosphere by 2200.
Here is a chart of the world population and what is predicted to be our population up to the year 2200.
How to help stop this problem from happening more What we can do to stop overpopulation is to educate our generation about safe sex, so we will not have to be like China and have the one child rule in placed.
Climate Alarmist and environmentalist claims What are they saying? Are their claims true? How impactful are they?
What are climate alarmist and environmentalist are saying What are climate alarmist and environmentalist are saying is that basically anything that goes wrong in the world happens because of climate change. From deforestation to more extreme tornadoes in the future even that there would be more tsunamis. At this point, alarmists will say anything to get people to “see” that climate change is a real issue. The only thing that really comes out of these accusations is that the climate alarmist and environmentalist will get more money, people will agree with their idea, and more power.
Al Gore’s claim on what will the effects because of climate change in the future
“Within 10 years (2015) there will be no snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro.”
Al Gore claims According to Al Gore, there would be no snow left on Mt. Kilimanjaro in the year 2015. As we can see Al Gore was wrong and that there is still snow left on the mountain.
What does it mean? How big of a problem is it? The Greenhouse effect What does it mean? How big of a problem is it?
What is the Greenhouse Effect? The Greenhouse Effect is when sun radiation hits the earth. One third of the sun’s radiation is reflected from the atmosphere, clouds, and earth’s surface back into space. The remaining two thirds are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere because the clouds and earth’s surface absorb the heat causing the earth to become warmer; which then emits infrared radiation. The infrared radiation is then absorbed by greenhouse in the atmosphere and the rest is released into space. As the greenhouse gases absorb the infrared radiation they warm and release the radiation; much of it going back to the earth’s surface. The more concentration of greenhouse gas, the more infrared radiation is absorbed and released to Earth. What is the Greenhouse Effect?
How important is greenhouse gas to the atmosphere? Greenhouse is important because of its way of absorbing the Sun's heat in the Earth's surface and releasing the remaining heat into the atmosphere making Earth able to sustain life.
The effects of Climate Change on sea level Arctic Even though the Arctic ice is melting faster than what scientists predicted it’s not as bad as we think. Antarctic All we ever hear is that the arctic sea levels are melting, but we never hear about antarctic sea levels. In fact, Antarctic sea levels are not really increasing but decreasing because of ice glaciers being formed.
What this means What this means is that even though the arctic ice is melting faster than what scientists predicted, the antarctic ice caps have been increasing throughout the years. Which means it’s not that big of a deal as we may think because there will still be ice on the earth.