Louise Treadwell @infoscigeek Pricing Your Services Louise Treadwell @infoscigeek
What We Will Cover #wcmia @infoscigeek Hourly vs Flat Fee Why We Are Bad at Pricing The True Anatomy of a Project Your Hidden Hats "Activity Based Costing" Calculating Rates Mark-up = GROWTH Getting OUT of the Bargain Bin What We Will Cover #wcmia @infoscigeek
Hourly vs Flat Fee "Living Wage" #wcmia @infoscigeek
Hourly vs Flat Fee Ideal Hourly Project Narrow Scope Indefinite / Ongoing Experienced Client Ideal Flat Fee Project Repeatable Known Variables Previous Client #wcmia @infoscigeek
Why We Are Bad At Pricing #wcmia @infoscigeek
The True Anatomy of a Project #wcmia @infoscigeek
"I just need a simple website." Networking and marketing. Pitching and closing client. Preparing quote. Issuing contract. Issuing invoices. Collecting payments. Setting up milestones. Managing client's expectations. Assigning tasks to each team member. Overseeing each stage. Staying accessible to the client. Brainstorming copy. Research content. Drafting copy. Writing copy. Editing copy. Integrating client revisions. Consulting with client. Brainstorming design ideas. Creating graphic elements. Creating mock-ups designs. Integrating client revisions into re-designs. Delivering properly formatted design to tech team. Setting up server environment. Handling domain/DNS issues. Installing WordPress/Theme/Plugins. Implementing customizations. Deploying website. Completing 1st and 2nd rounds of changes. Creating and providing support documentation. #wcmia @infoscigeek
Your Hidden Hats #wcmia @infoscigeek
Your Hidden Hats #wcmia @infoscigeek Copywriting Skills: Fluency in project's language, ability to write in the appropriate tone (formal, casual, academic, slang, etc.), solid command of the appropriate grammar, punctuation and diction. Project Manager Skills: Excellent communicator. Fluent in the client's language. Knowledge of client's cultural norms. Available during client's working hours. Organized. General understanding of designing, building, and deploying a website. Web Development Skills: Knowledge of relevant coding languages. Knowledge of standards (accessibility, speed, security, etc). Experience converting designs into finished projects. Ability to meet deadlines. Web Design Skills: Access to proprietary software. Proficiency in operation of necessary software. Knowledge of the aesthetic preferences of the users in this project's industry. Experience in delivering properly formatted designs to tech teams. #wcmia @infoscigeek
"Activity Based Costing" #wcmia @infoscigeek
Activity Based Costing Scope Time Rate Variations Item Rate QTY Total Copywriting – Bio Page $100/hr 4 $400 Each Revision $100/hr 2 $200 #wcmia @infoscigeek
Calculating Rates (Min Cost of Services) x (Skill Factor) x (1.2) = Rate Charged to Client #wcmia @infoscigeek
Mark-Up = GROWTH #wcmia @infoscigeek
WHY: Pricing Equations for GROWTH Revenue Project Costs Fixed Expenses Mark-up Profit PROFIT = What You Use to GROW Your Business Revenue: Rate Charged to Client 80%: Includes your personal compensation for your labor on a project 20%: Your business' compensation for creating the labor opportunity #wcmia @infoscigeek
Your "Get Out of Bed" Rate "Living Wage" #wcmia @infoscigeek
What's Your Get Out of Bed Rate? Personal G.O.O.B.R. Annual Living Expenses # of Hours per Year = Business G.O.O.B.R. Annual Fixed Biz Expenses # of Projects per Year = Revenue: Rate Charged to Client 80%: Includes your personal compensation for your labor on a project 20%: Your business' compensation for creating the labor opportunity #wcmia @infoscigeek
Worth Getting Out of Bed? Project Costs Personal G.O.O.B.R. ≤ Fixed Expenses Business G.O.O.B.R. ≤ #wcmia @infoscigeek
Getting OUT of the Bargain Bin #wcmia @infoscigeek
Getting OUT of the Bargain Bin D.I.Y. Discounts Invoice EVERYTHING Invoice EVERYONE #wcmia @infoscigeek
"This number doesn't make me happy "This number doesn't make me happy. It doesn't make me feel like they understand or appreciate what I'm REALLY doing for them!"
Louise Treadwell @infoscigeek Pricing Your Services Louise Treadwell @infoscigeek