Completing a Game Report Introduction to Documenting and Writing a Game Report At the end the referee should know: Why reports are important The important parts of the report When to write a game report How to complete the report Where to file the report
Introduction to USSF report The completion and submission of reports is an important duty of an official. If required by the competition, the U.S. Soccer Referee Report can be used to submit standard game information. U.S. Soccer Referee Report Cautionable and Sending-Off Offenses If needed, and in addition to the U.S. Soccer Referee Report, the U.S. Soccer Supplemental Referee Report can be used for instances of referee assault, referee abuse, dismissal of team officials, sending-off offenses, serious injuries, game abandonment or other substantial occurrences.
Purpose Reporting Writing is important because: It enables league officials to monitor and manage their league It improves fair play and safety It provides protection for the referee and league when actions need to be taken It promotes professionalism
Purpose Reporting Writing is required because: It’s a Referee’s responsibility • Law 5 states that the referee has the responsibility to: Acts as timekeeper & records game File a game report Competition authorities need information Future disciplinary actions are based upon the report
Do’s and Don'ts Do Don’t Focus on the facts Be clear and concise Work with the referee team Don’t Speculate Insert opinion Make disciplinary suggestions
Remember the A,B,C A Be ACCURATE - in reporting the incident avoid confusing or conflicting statements. Make sure the stated offense matches the incident described. Double-check the player information
Remember the A,B,C B Be BRIEF - you are required to report only the incident leading to the caution or sending off. Information about the state of the playing surface or climatic conditions should be included ONLY if you feel they play a part in the incident described.
Remember the A,B,C C Be CLEAR - stick rigidly to a description of the incident, e.g. a kick in the groin, a punch in the face, etc.; it is not for you to pass judgment. The Disciplinary Committee will make a judgment from the information you provide.
Writing In the presentation of your report, try to make sure that what you write is legible, correctly spelled and punctuated.
Assistance If you are uncertain of what you have written ask for review by: Paul Golder Dennis LaVersa Randy Ellis Go to for contact information
Offense versus Incident You must differentiate between the "offense" and the "incident" when making a report.
Offense versus Incident An "offense" is a classification according to the laws of the game of a player’s misconduct (ref. the USSF 7 + 7 Misconduct Information)
Offense versus Incident An "incident" is what the player actually did at the time he committed the offense.
When does the Recording Begin? Pre Game Date Starting time of match Name of Teams Assistant Referees Names Field Condition Weather Condition
Game Report Game information Disciplinary actions Any additional events from before, during and after the game
During Game Goals Team Time (taking the time to record accurately during the game improves accuracy of the report – however – this should not significantly delay the restart of the game)
Specific game information includes Who Game Reporting Specific game information includes Who Player Name Number Team Personnel (if applicable) other Fan name or associated team
Specific game information includes Game Reporting Specific game information includes What Specific actions (incident) Identify the action used to deal with the incident Time of incident Identify any issues involving spectators or Team personnel which required action as part of zero tolerance policy
Specific game information includes Game Reporting Specific game information includes Where On/Off the field When Before/After game during game or stoppage Offense • 7 – 7
During Game Major Injuries What should be recorded during the game Player Name Time Type of Injury Cause of injury - if known (taking the time to record accurately during the game improves accuracy of the report – however – this should not significantly delay the restart of the game)
During Game Cautions What When Who What should be recorded during the game Cautions What When Who (taking the time to record accurately during the game improves accuracy of the report – however – this should not significantly delay the restart of the game)
Game Reporting How - Be Specific using official FIFA language For Cautions Misconduct Description P persistently infringes the Laws of the Game (PI) U is guilty of unsporting behavior (UB) D shows dissent by word or action (DT) D delays the restart of play (DR) L deliberately leaves the field without the referee’s permission (L) E enters or re-enters the field without the referee’s permission (E) D fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or free kick (FRD)
During Game Send Offs Who What When What should be recorded during the game Send Offs Who What When (taking the time to record accurately during the game improves accuracy of the report – however – this should not significantly delay the restart of the game)
Game Reporting How - Be Specific using official FIFA language For Send Offs Abbreviation Offense VC is guilty of violent conduct DGH denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball S spits at an opponent or any other person 2CT receives a second caution in the same match DGF denies obvious goal scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offense punishable by a free kick or a penalty uses AL offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures SFP is guilty of serious foul play
During Game What should be recorded during the game ASK TELL SEND
During Game What should be recorded during the game Other issues delays due to weather outside interference Length of first and second halves including added time (taking the time to record accurately during the game improves accuracy of the report – however – this should not significantly delay the restart of the game)
Game Reporting Post Game Conference with Assistant Referees o Review game issues including major incidents – Player’s involved – Specific facts of the game o Resolve any differences of facts that weren’t resolved during the game Write the report as soon as practical after the game
Game Report Writing When Good Practice - SSSL Games Must file an online card report on “Referee’s Corner” for any game involving a caution or send off. Must complete an online report in “Arbiter” and a USSF Referee Report sending copies to SSSL referee administrator for any send offs, serious injuries, parental or coach issues, which involved zero tolerance or necessitate suspending or abandoning a match. (This does not include temporary stoppage due to weather) Must complete for Referee Assault.
Game Reporting Complete sentences describing the incident and offense which summarize the outcome of the incident, the game and the results If the incident require immediate notification (Assault of referee) was that done?
Game Reporting How For Example - Rebels against Blackbirds - U14 Boys At 21:35 player #4 for the Rebels was cautioned for unsporting behavior (UB) when he grabbed the shirt of an opponent preventing them from gaining control of the ball. Three minutes of time was added on the first half. At 44:14 in the second half player # 6 for the Blackbirds was sent off preventing a goal by deliberately handling the ball. Four minutes of time was added to the second half The remainder of the game was played without further incident. The rebels won 2-1 with specifics stated above.