Welcome to Open House!
Please save questions specific to your child for a conference as our schedule tonight is tight!
Daily Schedule 8:45-9:15 Arrival and Morning work 9:15-10:50 Literacy 10:55-11:40 Specials 11:45-12:20 Lunch 12:20-1:20 Math 1:20-2:05 Science/Social Studies 2:05-2:35 Recess 2:35-3:05 Writing 3:05-3:40 Team Time 3:45 Dismissal
Discipline Plan Bravo Bones
Homework Homework will be given Monday and is due on Friday. Students will be given both Math and Literacy homework. Read 20 minutes per night. Practice non-sense words 1 minute per night. Students are responsible for practicing spelling words at home throughout the week. Students will be given a Spelling Test on Fridays. Refer to handouts.
Math Children will learn how to express math in a variety of ways. Ex. (using manipulatives, pictures, and writing.) Children will be learning a variety of strategies, not necessarily memorizing. Students typically need the most practice with fact fluency and comprehension of word problems.
Math Strands Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction Add and subtract within 20.. Work with addition and subtraction equations. Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Extend the counting sequence. Understand place value. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Measurement and Data Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. Represent and interpret data. Geometry Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Literacy Children are placed in literacy groups based on mClass DIBELS and TRC levels. (Refer to handouts) Groups may be changed throughout the year. Children rotate to different centers during Daily 5. These centers include: Guided Reading Groups with me, Word Work, Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading and Work on Writing.
Reading Benchmarks According to mClass the Reading Benchmarks are: Beginning of Year: D Middle of Year: G or H End of Year: J or K
Writing Children will be writing a variety of texts this year including: narrative (small moments), informational (All About & How-To), opinion pieces. Objectives include: focus, organization, conventions and support and elaboration.
Comparing and Measuring Science Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Balance and Motion Comparing and Measuring Organisms
Social Studies “I am a Citizen of Many Communities” “Our Community Celebrates” “I Can Find My Way Around my Community” “We Care for Our Community”
Grading 4- Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period. “Since I can do/get this, I can figure out new things!” *Level 4 opportunities* (only certain standards lend themselves to level 4 opportunities) 3- Student consistently demonstrates an understand of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period. “I get it!” ”I can do it well!” 2- Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period. “I almost get it but I need some help.” 1- Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period. “I don’t get it yet. I need help.”
Birthdays If you would like to, please bring in only store bought treats at your child’s assigned lunch time. Parents will be responsible for passing out treats during the last 10 minutes of lunch. Birthday invitations are welcome as long as the entire class is invited. Please check the school directory if you would prefer to contact only selected families.
Common Core Learn more about the Common Core Curriculum on the following Website: http://www.corestandards.org Refer to handouts. Here you can learn more about why the Common Core is important for your child, explore the Common Core more in depth, as well as find out why the Common Core was created.
We look forward to a great year! “When you ask me what I’ve done at school today, and I say that “I just played”, please don’t misunderstand me. For, you see, I’m learning as I play. I’m learning to enjoy and be successful in my work. I’m preparing for tomorrow. Today, I am a child and my work is my play.” We look forward to a great year!
Thank you for joining us tonight! Remember, the lines of communication are always open. Send an email with any concerns, questions or thoughts to your child’s teacher if any arise. Keep informed by visiting our classroom websites which can be found by visiting the York homepage and clicking on your child’s teachers website. Have a great night!