January 14, 2018
An Overview of the Book of Pentateuch Our Approach Feb.18 – Numbers Feb. - Deuteronomy
Numbers The name Numbers comes from the Greek arithmoi (numbers), which refers to the lists of fighting men. The Hebrew title comes from the fifth word meaning “in the wilderness” (b’midbar).
Moses Like the previous books of the Pentateuch, the book of Numbers was written by Moses. Num. 33:1-2 refers directly to Moses writing at the Lord’s command.
Post-Mosaica There are passages that are understood as being added after Moses. 12:3 21:14-15 32:34-42 11:16 (Material that Moses dictated)
Did Moses use sources?
Sources Pentateuch Sources/ Oral tradition MOSES + Inspiration = Written text Preservation Inspired Editing Post-Mosaica Pentateuch Witness/ Experience
Moses’ Sources Like the other books of the Pentateuch Moses (probably) used sources to gather background material for Numbers. Num. 1 Num. 26
Meaning - Purpose Purpose “To call the second generation of Israel to arms as the holy army of God.” God had magnificently formed the first generation into an army That generation failed and was chastised God mercifully reorganized the second generation He Gave Us Stories, Richard L. Pratt
Genesis The Garden and the Land Covenant Loyalty One of Moses’ central concerns was identifying Eden with Canaan. Covenant Loyalty Eden was a place of blessing, but it was holy and required the to be holy Leaving Egypt is God’s plan
Structure Preparation of the First Generation Army (1:1-10:10) Failed March of the First Generation Army (10:11-25:18) Preparation of the Second Generation Army (26:1-36:13
Structure Preparation of the First Generation Army (1:1-10:10) Census & military arrangement (1-4) Consecration for holy war (5-8) Divine acceptance and assurance (9-10:10) Failed March of the First Generation Army (10:11-25:18) Early travels (10:11-12) Wilderness Wandering (13-21) Balaam and Balak (22-25) Preparation of the Second Generation Army (26:1-36:13) Census and continuity (26-27) The Tabernacle Reaffirmed (28-31) Preparation for conquest (32-36)
The First Census The geography shows the unity of the Pentateuch While at Sinai God orders a census. Exodus ends at Sinai, Leviticus takes place at Sinai, and numbers follows Israel from Sinai to the plains of Moab. The census shows God’s grace on the nation The number of fighting men shows God’s blessing in growing Israel into a mighty army to be feared. The Levites were set apart for temple service and were not counted.
Arrangement of the Camp The Lord demonstrated His kingship by ordering the camp and placing the Tabernacle at the center This was a visible reminder of Israel’s dependence on Yahweh God was present with His people
Encampment of the Tribes of Israel Naphtali Asher Dan* Gershonites Moses & Priests Ephraim* Merarites Judah* Manasseh Issachar Tabernacle Benjamin Kohathites Zebulun Gad Simeon Reuben*
The Levites Aaron is mentioned first as the head of the Levites He and sons anointed as priests Levites consecrated as the first-born (3:11-13) Duties Gershonites - tent Kohathites - ark and furniture Merarites - frame Aaron’s family - ministry to the Lord
Consecration for holy war (5-8) Cleansing of the camp (5:1-4) Israel would not achieve victory if there was sin in the camp Joshua 7 Acts 5
Divine Assurance The first generation began their march with God’s assurance They celebrated a second Passover They heard the sound of the trumpets The Glory Cloud lead them
Failed March of First Generation (10:11-25:18) Early travels (10:11-12) The people are tested early, and they follow the Lord (10:11-36) They begin to complain 11:1-3 The Lord responds Miriam and Aaron (12) – ethnic prejudice and jealousy Some scholars call this the foreshadowing of the first generation’s failure
Wilderness Wandering (13-21) In this section we see rebellion and its consequences, unbelief, and the failure of Moses as mediator Failure of the spies, 13:1-33 The sin of unbelief (13:31) Rebellion and unbelief, 14:1-4, 10-12 Ps. 95:7-11 1 Cor 10:5
Moses’ intercession for the People God’s power (14:13-17) God‘s love (14:18-19) God’s curse (14:22-23; 28-29) Promise of a remnant (14:31)
The Danger of Presumption (14:39-45) Israel tries to right a wrong Their presumption leads to death (14:44-45) Those who disobey Christ will suffer the same fate
Balaam and Balak (22-25) Yahweh keeps His promise in the face of a false prophet Summoning of Balaam (22:1-40) Israel strikes fear in the heart of the king of Moab Balaam’s Prophecies (22:41-24:24) The Sequel or Aftermath (24:25-25:18) 2 Peter 2:14-16
Other Notable Episodes Sabbath-breaker stoned (15:32-36) Korah’s rebellion (16:1-40) Grumbling against Moses and Aaron (16:41-50) Yahweh Confirms Aaron’s authority (17:1-13) Contention over water (20:2-13) Complaint & the bronze serpent (21:4-9)
Preparation of the Second Generation Army (26:1-36:13) Census and continuity (26-27) The Tabernacle Reaffirmed (28-31) Preparation for conquest (32-36)
The Second Census A new Count (26:1-51) Rules for Land allotment (26:52-56) Count of the Levites (26:57-65) Tribal Continuity (27:1-11) Moses’ Successor (27:12-23)
The Second Census 603,550 vs. 601,730 Decreased numbers The census and land allotment Covenantal Significance: What does this say about our sin?
The Tabernacle Reaffirmed (28-31) The centrality of the Tabernacle (28:1-2) Daily Offerings Weekly Offerings Monthly Offerings Annual Offerings Holy Vows (30:1-16) Defeat of Midian and the Spoils
Preparation for conquest (32-36) Request of the Transjordan tribes (32) Israel’s Travel and Call to Conquest (33) Boundaries of the Land (34:1-15) Distributors of the Land (34:16-29)
Key Themes in Numbers God prepared the people with everything they needed to succeed in the Promised Land The first generation failed because they were thank-less and faith-less God raised up a second generation who would succeed only if they remained faithful to the covenant
Covenantal Significance God prepared the people with everything they needed to succeed in the Promised Land The first generation failed because they were thank-less and faith-less God raised up a second generation who would succeed only if they remained faithful to the covenant
References An Introduction to the Old Testament: Second Edition, Tremper Longman III, Raymond B. Dillard Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible, Richard Pratt Jr. General Editor An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach, Bruce K. Waltke and Charles Yu He Gave Us Stories: The Bible Student's Guide to Interpreting Old Testament, Richard L. Pratt Jr. Numbers–Ruth (The Expositor's Bible Commentary), Tremper Longman III & David E. Garland (Editors) Numbers (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries), Gordon J. Wenham Lectures on the Pentateuch, Rev. Michael J. Glodo