1 Kings 18 Contest at Mount Carmel (Elijah & Prophets of Baal) During the reign of wicked Ahab (25 yrs in Israel) Lead people of God into idolatry (16:30-33) God instructed Elijah to go to Ahab (18:1-19) Elijah issued a challenge (18:19) Gathered at Mount Carmel (18:20-40)
1 Kings 18 Contest at Mount Carmel (Elijah & Prophets of Baal) Elijah asked a question (18:21) Question: “How long will you falter between two opinions?” Directed it to the people of Israel (18:20-21)
1 Kings 18 Contest at Mount Carmel (Elijah & Prophets of Baal) Elijah asked a question (18:21) Notice three things The question (v. 21a) The solution (v. 21b) The evidence (vv. 22-40) The people were stuck between two alters – couldn’t decide
(Limping Between Two Opinions) Stuck Between Two Altars (Limping Between Two Opinions) 1 Kings 18:21
Stuck Between Two Altars (Limping Between Two Opinions) Mind that is Indecisive
Mind that is Indecisive Indecision avoids the hard choice Decisions mean – choose one over another Indecision means – want both (don’t want to choose) Israel: had not made the hard choice to give up all idolatry When we can’t decide about following Lord – we are avoiding hard choice: Turning our back on the family religion Giving up some practice I enjoy Cutting loose from close associations I have Becoming serious about spiritual matters
Mind that is Indecisive Indecision avoids the hard choice Indecision fails to view the Lord is God If Lord is God – follow him (1 Kings 18:21) Decision should be made upon basis that Lord is God If he is God – serve him If he is God – all decisions made to meet that goal Evidence is given (vv. 22-40) If you can’t decide about following the Lord – having trouble viewing him as God!
Mind that is Indecisive Indecision avoids the hard choice Indecision fails to view the Lord is God Indecision is unstable Double minded man is unstable (Jas. 1:8) Double minded = “a person with two minds” (Williams) Unstable = “unreliable in every step he takes” (Williams) Phillips: “…a man of divided loyalty will reveal instability at every turn”
Mind that is Indecisive Indecision avoids the hard choice Indecision fails to view the Lord is God Indecision is unstable Indecision must end That was Elijah’s point – choose one or the other! Joshua said “chose for yourselves this day…” (24:15) The time is late – decisions are demanded (Rom. 13:11-ff)
Mind that is Indecisive Indecision avoids the hard choice Indecision fails to view the Lord is God Indecision is unstable Indecision must end Indecision is a decision If not with Lord – against the Lord (Matt. 12:30) Failure to decide to do right – is a decision to do wrong!
Can’t Decide? To be baptized? What to with rest your life? To make a commitment? To renounce a false religion? To stand up for truth and right? To use the abilities / opportunities have?
Stuck Between Two Altars (Limping Between Two Opinions) Mind that is Indecisive Task that is Impossible
Task that is Impossible The Task Attempt to go in both directions Translations: “limping between two” (ESV) “limping over two” (Lexham) “Waver between two” (NIV) “Till when are you leaping on the two branches” (YLT) Means: “waver between two choices, conceived as leaping” (Logos Sense) Same word as “leaping” (v. 26) Point: trying to serve God & Baal at same time (favor one then another)
Task that is Impossible The Task The Impossibility Can’t serve both (Matt. 6:24) Can’t please men and God (Gal. 1:10) Like being lukewarm (Rev. 3:16) Can’t go and stay at same time!
Task that is Impossible The Task The Impossibility The Application Want to go to heaven – but don’t want to obey gospel Want to be a Christian – but want to enjoy the world Want to be faithful – but don’t want to come all time Want to have a family – but want a girlfriend on the side Want to be in submission – but not going to follow his lead Want to be pure – but still run with worldly crowd Want my kid to know God – but don’t want to bring them… Want to be a good mate – but fuss and complain when want
Stuck Between Two Altars (Limping Between Two Opinions) Mind that is Indecisive Task that is Impossible Result that is Inescapable
Result that is Inescapable 1 Kings 18:21 “And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.” More Indecision (v. 21) Rebellion (22:51-53) Know They Are Doomed (v. 40)
Stuck Between Two Altars (Limping Between Two Opinions) Mind that is Indecisive Task that is Impossible Result that is Inescapable