Lynn Burlingame N7CFO Ugly Box Construction Lynn Burlingame N7CFO
Ugly Box Construction Rover and mobile setups can get quite complex, and placement of equipment is important to a successful operation. Mobile equipment tends to sustain a lot of wear and tear. (How many times have you heard a used rig advertised as "never been mobile"?)
Ugly Box Construction I use “Ugly Boxes” These boxes provide excellent protection for equipment and give you something substantial to tie down to. As a bonus, they camouflage your equipment. They can be built as modules and stacked or bolted together
Ugly Box Construction My first Ugly Box was built several years ago for a new Icom IC-706. Unfortunately, it was delayed in shipping, so I had little time to install it before a major trip. I built a "U" shaped frame out of 1/2" plywood, and put the Icom main unit into it hanging from the mobile mount. This was put behind the driver's seat of the pickup and cabled up as best I could.
Ugly Box Construction I discovered that it was very handy and could easily be moved into my camp trailer for portable use. I used this mount for years and the rig was never scratched or otherwise damaged.
Ugly Box Construction This is an ugly (hence the name) but practical type of construction for mobile gear. The equipment can be covered with no danger of overheating because the box provides open space around it. These boxes can be constructed with only a few hand tools.
Ugly Box Construction This is the current version of the IC-706 mount. The setback on the sides allows removal of the control head. The holes on the sides provide ventilation and access to the mounting screws.
Ugly Box Construction I now make these boxes out of type MDO plywood which has a resin paper covering on one side. They are assembled with countersunk flat headed wood screws – this allows for quick disassembly for access. MDO plywood does not require painting, and looks reasonably nice. The surface can easily be marked.
Ugly Box Construction Here are some of the other Ugly Boxes that I have built.
DownEast Microwave® transverter deck The transverters are held into place with heavy-duty adhesive backed Velcro.
DownEast Microwave® transverter deck
DEM transverter deck Note the switching in the second photo. The ceramic wafer switch is incremented the same as a Daiwa four position cavity switch. The wafer switch and the Daiwa switch are on the same shaft, so one knob controls the IF PTT circuit and switches the connection between the IF and the transverters.
DEM transverter deck
DEM transverter deck
DEM transverter deck I have since modified this box by adding access and ventilation holes.
This is what it looks like in the mobile rig.
Yaesu FT-90 This box for the FT-90 main unit resides on the floor under the passenger seat of my pickup. Note the holes in the side – they provide ventilation and access to the mobile bracket mounting screws.
Ugly Box Construction Here are some examples of boxes made by other operators. Note that they have taken more care in the detail work and finish.
KU7M (Note RigRunner)
Lynn, N7CFO