Suspension of Favorable Personnel Action (FLAGS)
Reference: AR 600-8 Suspension of Favorable Actions Personnel Actions
What is a FLAG A suspension of any favorable actions due to misconduct actions and behavior.
Reason for a FLAG Failure to pass APFT Weight Control Program Unfavorable actions
Two Categories of FLAG’s Non-transferable- May not be transferred to another unit. Transferable- Can be transferred to another unit.
Non-Transferable FLAG Any actions that requires punishments. -Once punishment is completed FLAG is dropped. Examples: Court-martial Nonjudicial punishment Administrative Reduction
Transferable FLAG’s HQDA directed Failure to pass APFT Entry into Weight Control Program
Prohibited Actions Reenlistment and extensions Reassignment Promotions and evaluations for promotions Awards or decorations Military schooling Retirement Command sponsorship
Conclusion: FLAG’s are actions of attempting to correction soldiers behavior due to misconduct or not adhering to Amy’s standards.