Story: Stirring Up Memories Week of Jan 16, 2017 Issue # 3 3rd 9 Weeks Mrs. Castellano's Class Weekly Objectives Homework Monday–No Classes. Read your library book. Use dictionary to find meaning of spelling words. Tuesday–1. Spelling words in ABC order.2. Sentences for spelling words 1 to 10. .3. Drops in the Bucket.4. CATS p. 62-time your child for 1 minute and answer questions for Tuesday. 5.Read Library book. Practice vocabulary words. Wednesday–1. Sentences for spelling words 11 to 20.2. Write a sentence for all vocabulary words.3. Drops in the Bucket.4.CATS story pg. 62 (time for one minute, answer question for Wed.). 5. Read Library Book. Thursday–1. Have your parents give you a practice spelling word test. Write sentence with vocabulary words with your family members.2. Drops in the Bucket.3. CATS story p.62 (time for one minute Answer question for Thursday). Read Library book. Friday-Read for (20) twenty minutes each day using your library book everyday. Sign folder. Read on the weekends. Please sign and return tests. TESTING ALL DAY. No absences, please. Thank you for taking your children to the doctor after 10:00am. ELAR: Writing letters, spelling patterns, prefix, following directions, dictionary skills. Math – Problem solving with addition/sub (regroup). Science – Weather. Social Studies – Timelines. Spelling Words Pattern: r-controlled: ear, ere, are, air air, fair, rare, wear, there, share, spare, tear, pear, stairs, chair, hair, fair, stare, compare, declare, where, rare,, care, bear, bare Vocabulary Words Story: Stirring Up Memories 1. Creating-Making Something new. 2. Familiar: Something you have seen before. 3. Occasion: Special day or event or celebration. 4. Memories: Things or thoughts from the past. 5. Imagination: To make up pictures or stories from you mind. To pretend. 6. Glamorous: To look great. beautiful and fancy. Jan 18, 2017 Istation Testing. This test tells us if your child is reading at grade level and if he/she will go to third grade. Please help them read at home everyday. Please have them do Lexia daily. January 25, 2017: Early Release. Salida Temprana-11:25. Tutoring will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30pm *Thank you parents for taking time from your very busy schedules to attend our student-led conferences. I enjoyed meeting with everyone. Your children are a pleasure to work with! *Hooray! Students have been coming to school everyday!!!! Thank you parents! Let’s be the number one class to have 100% attendance!!! *Conference time: Please write me a note in the agenda to make an appointment. Happy Birthday Andree!!!!