Mrs. Glenn Liberty Middle School 7th /8th Grade – Project Lead the Way Computer Science 1 Liberty Middle School 2016-2017
Am I in the right Room? My room is Room #119, downstairs ORANGE (elective) Pod Treat the room, tables, chairs, technology devices and all contents with respect. Respecting the room means cleaning up after yourself, taking care of the contents of the room, and using the chairs, tables, and equipment in the proper way.
Who is this teacher? I teach the 7th and 8th grade PLTW/Computer Science 1 & 2 class, Yearbook/Digital Photography, and a Digital Publishing Tools class this year. I graduated from Auburn University ~ War Eagle! I am married and have 2 sons, one in college and another in middle school! I love technology and learning. In my opinion, Technology & Computer Science is so important, because 99% of all students will work one day. Students will use the skills learned in this class for the rest of their lives . . . REALLY!
Mrs. Glenn Contact Information The best way to contact me Email: Office hours: E Block planning (after school as needed) School Telephone Number: (256) 430-0001 ask for Mrs. Glenn’s voicemail or leave a message and I will return the call.
What will I be doing in class this year? Digital Citizenship & CYBER Safety Computational Problem Solving Blockly Programming, MIT App Inventor App/Game Development Multimedia – Graphics, Photo, Video, & Audio Coding, Web Programs, & lots of Apps Developing Leadership & Teamwork
How will I be graded? Class work & other daily assignments will make up 40% of your grade. Tests and projects will make up 60% of your grade. 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 65-69 = D
What if I have a poor grade? Most poor grades are a result of not turning in class work. Therefore, it is important that you do not miss assignments for any reason. If you do miss an assignment, follow the procedure for turning in late work described later in this presentation. I am available for help or tutoring – just ask! Make-up Work & Test after school – to be scheduled as needed
What are the expectations for this class? Be Present – In Mind & Body Be Respectful – To Yourself, To Those Around You, To Your Environment Do Your Best – not the minimum effort Follow All School Policies & Procedures
“UnPlugged” Guideline Keep cell phones and other electronic devices (silenced) and put away you will not need them for this class - EVER.
Guideline Be respectful of the teacher and your fellow students, as well as the entire learning environment.
Guideline Follow ALL procedures and policies as outlined by the LMS and the Madison City student handbooks.
Guideline Infraction Notice Please CORRECT your behavior and return to task. See me after class! Signature:______________________________________Date:________________ Offense:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________. Conference Result:_______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________.
SEVERE BEHAVIOR Clause Any student that uses profanity, violence, is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher), or damages school property (this includes the property of teacher or other students) will be formally referred to administration at the teacher’s discretion.
Entering the room: Enter quietly. Sit in an appropriate seat. Follow the class procedures established. Log In to Canvas and quietly begin working on the “Before” activity.
Make-Up Policy AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, but, I will accept assignments Make-up assignments should be completed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, but, I will accept assignments and projects, for credit prior to the end of the grading period. I will ALWAYS give you enough time to complete the assignments in class . . . Use YOUR time wisely!
End of class The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell. The bell is simply to remind teachers that we can dismiss our class at this time Follow the “end of class” established procedures. (Logging off, etc.) When you leave make sure to take all your belongings and any trash you see should be placed in a wastebasket.
I am so excited to have you in my class I am so excited to have you in my class. I believe every person has the potential to learn and enjoy Computer Science & Programming. Let’s have a great 9 weeks! -Mrs. Glenn