New Music Clubs begin tomorrow! All Year Groups New Music Clubs begin tomorrow! Would you like to learn the TIN WHISTLE? It’s an easy instrument to learn and loads of fun. RE Room 2 Tuesdays 12.45pm Mr Duncan Any year group welcome and staff allowed too! S1/ S2 Guitar Group Tuesday lunchtimes @ 12.55pm Taken by Mr McGuiness in Miss Skingley’s Music room Guitars will be provided. No experience needed …Give it a go!! History Supported Study A short reminder that History Supported Study is cancelled this week as Ms Kennedy is away on the school visit to Berlin.
Seniors Volleyball Club Mr Murdoch (Instructor) Clubs Seniors Volleyball Club Miss Dickman 3.00pm S5/6 only PE Dept Keyboard Club Mr Murdoch (Instructor) 1 – 1.20pm All year groups Music Rooms
S5/6 UCAS Humza please see Mrs Summers at lunchtime today. Buddies All Buddies interested in helping out at the S1 Halloween Merit Treat this Friday, please come along to RE during interval today. Career Advisor Idel and David please register in tutor time then come to the library to collect an appointment slip. Senior Basketball The senior basketball team have a match next week. Details: vs St Mungo’s High School Monday 3rd November Team will be selected at training tomorrow. Micro Tyco Meeting Can the following pupils please attend a meeting in the Conference room today, Period 5.
S4 Career Advisor Can the following pupils please register with your tutor teacher go to the library to collect an appointment slip for your career appointment: Sidra Shafiq Reece Sweeney Tayyeba Tariq Luke Thornton Sulaimaan Zafar
S3 Under 14 Football There will be a match against Hillpark on Tuesday the 4th of November. Please attend the meeting on Monday 3rd at interval in PE. (We will put a reminder in next Monday’s bulletin)
S2 Micro Tyco Meeting Could the following pupils please attend a meeting in the Conference room today, Period 5. S5/6 Buddies All Buddies interested in helping out at the S1 Halloween Merit Treat this Friday should come along to RE during interval today for a quick meeting. Under 14 Football There will be a match against Hillpark on Tuesday the 4th of November. Please attend the meeting on Monday 3rd at interval in PE. (We will put a reminder in next Monday’s bulletin)
S1 S5/6 Buddies All Buddies interested in helping out at the S1 Halloween Merit Treat this Friday should come along to RE during interval today for a quick meeting.