Division I Bylaw 13 Recruiting Scott Connors and Jenn Samble
Topics to be Covered Definition of a prospective student-athlete. New legislation. Recent interpretations. Coaching staff and noncoaching staff attending high school contests. Printed recruiting materials. Case Studies.
Definition of a Prospective Student-Athlete (PSA) Has started classes for the 9th grade Exceptions: Basketball and Softball (7th grade) or - If the institution has provided individual (or relatives) financial or other benefits not provided to others. And until one of the following occurs: - PSA registers and enrolls full-time and attends classes (regular academic year); - PSA participates in a regular squad practice or competition at the beginning of a term (excluding summer access); - PSA officially enrolls and attends classes during a summer term; or - PSA reports to institutional orientation session open to all incoming students w/in14 calendar days prior to the start of a regular academic term.
Bylaw After Commitment After an individual has signed a NLI or the institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid or after the institution has received his or her financial deposit in response to its offer of admission, the individual shall no longer be subject to the restrictions of Bylaw 13.1 (Contacts and Evaluations) or 13.10 (Publicity) Other recruiting restrictions remain in place.
New Legislation
Recruiting – Tryouts and Camps and Clinics – Definition of PSA – Softball Proposal 2017-26 In softball, for purposes of the tryout rule and the regulations related to camps and clinics, to specify that a PSA is an individual who has started classes for the seventh grade. Effective Date: Immediate
Recruiting – Evaluation and Recruiting Calendars– Women’s Basketball Proposal 2017-23 In women’s basketball to create two “shutdown periods” in August and May. - The recruiting shutdown does not apply to committed PSA who has signed an NLI, an institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid or from whom the institution has received financial deposit in response to the institution's offer of admission during the recruiting shutdown. Effective Date: Immediate
Personnel, Recruiting, and Championships and Postseason Football Permissible Benefits – Significant Other Proposal 2017-95 To define "significant other" as a spouse, fiancé or fiancée, domestic partner or any individual whose relationship to an identified individual (e.g., PSA, coach, SA) is the practical equivalent of a spouse; further, to replace "spouse" with "significant other," as specified. Effective Date: Immediate
Recruiting – Definitions and Applications – Family Member – Replace "Relatives" and "Parents or Legal Guardians" with "Family Members" Proposal 2017-109 To replace all instances of "relatives" and "parents or legal guardians" with "family members." Effective Date: Immediate
Recent Interpretations
Recruited Status when Receiving a Written Offer of Athletically Related Financial Aid (I) Official Interpretation Date Published: March 08, 2018 The committee determined a PSA who receives any type of written correspondence (e.g., letter, email, text, etc.) that indicates an offer of athletically related financial aid is considered recruited. However, a PSA who receives a written offer of athletically related financial aid to attend a summer session prior to full-time enrollment is not considered recruited. NCAA DI Bylaws and
In-Person Contact with a PSA During Football Bowl Subdivision December or January Dead Period After Signing a National Letter of Intent (I) Official Interpretation Date Published: December 06, 2017 The committee determined that, in bowl subdivision football, for a coaching staff member to have contact with a PSA during the December and January dead period, the PSA must have signed a NLI with the institution. NCAA DI Bylaws and
Transportation Associated with Recruiting Activities (I) Staff Interpretation Date Published: November 30, 2017 The academic and membership affairs staff determined that a coaching staff member may use any mode of transportation to travel to a PSA's home, educational institution, competition site, or any other location to engage in a recruiting activity, provided the mode of transportation does not serve as a recruiting aid (e.g., any form of advertisement or promotion) designed to publicize the institution's interest in a particular PSA. The institution must be able to demonstrate that the mode of transportation serves a legitimate non-promotional purpose. NCAA DI Bylaws 13.10 and
Contact at Location other than Educational Institution -- Basketball (I) Staff Interpretation Date Published: November 30, 2017 The academic and membership affairs staff determined that, in basketball, an institutional coaching staff member may not make contact at a PSA's high school or preparatory school or at any other location (e.g., home, restaurant) from the time the PSA's high school or preparatory school's first class begins until the conclusion of the final class of the high school or preparatory school's academic day. Further, in basketball, an institutional coaching staff member may not make contact at a PSA's two-year college or at any other location (e.g., home, restaurant) from the time the PSA's two-year college's first class begins until 4 p.m. local time. NCAA DI Bylaws and
Donations to Groups That Involve or Benefit PSA (I) Official Interpretation Date Published: August 11, 2017 The committee determined that an institution (or an institution's coach/staff member or representative of its athletics interests) may contribute to a non-athletically related bona fide youth organization that includes PSA and non-prospective student-athletes (e.g., YMCA, YWCA, Boys and Girls Clubs), provided the assistance is not earmarked for a particular PSA, is not earmarked for the purpose of contributing to a boys' basketball program and is offered in conjunction with the organization's regular fundraising activities. NCAA DI Bylaws 13.15.1,,, and
Coaching Staff and Non-Coaching Staff Attending High School Contests Off-campus contacts and evaluations may only occur during the prescribed periods. Attendance at events are not permitted outside of these periods with few exceptions. In the exceptions below, the coaching staff member is precluded from representing the institution. Child of the coach of the institution's coach engaged in the activity. Spouse of the coach engaged in the activity (interpretation). Parent or sibling of the institution's coach engaged in the activity. Pre-approved waiver for a coach who is being recognized or speaking at a recognition ceremony. Legislative relief waivers.
Coaching Staff and Non-Coaching Staff Attending High School Contests Non-coaching staff members may not attend an off-campus contest involving PSAs. In the exceptions below the non-coaching staff member is precluded from representing the institution in any way and may not reports back to the coaching staff. Child of the non-coaching staff member engaged in the activity. Spouse of the non-coaching staff member engaged in the activity (interpretation). Parent or sibling of the non-coaching staff member engaged in the activity. Pre-approved waiver for a non-coaching staff member who is being recognized or speaking at a recognition ceremony. Legislative relief.
Printed Recruiting Materials – Base Bylaw Bylaw Printed Recruiting Materials. As specified below, an institution may provide only the following printed materials to a PSA, his or her family members, coaches or any other individual responsible for teaching or directing an activity in which a PSA is involved. (a) General Correspondence. There are no restrictions on the design or content of general correspondence and attachments, except that the size of the printed material may not exceed 8 ½ by 11 inches when opened in full. There are no restrictions on the design or content of an envelope used to send general correspondence and attachments, except that the size of the envelope may not exceed 9 by 12 inches.
Case Studies
Recruiting Materials – Case Study #1 Beth Baller is a women's basketball PSA on an official visit at South University (SU). During Beth's official visit, Beth receives a stack of twelve 8.5" x 11" papers that, when arranged in a particular order, show Beth in SU's new uniforms. Is it permissible for Beth to receive this stack of papers?
Recruiting Materials – Case Study #1 Yes. However, a coaching staff member may not be involved in arranging the papers to form the larger image. NCAA DI Bylaw
Recruiting Materials – Case Study #2 West University (WU) plans to rent a high school or local sports club gymnasium to host a volleyball match. WU wants to distribute camp and clinic information at the event. Assuming all other camp and clinic advertisement legislation is met, is this permissible?
Recruiting Materials – Case Study #2 During the event (i.e., the specific time period the institution has rented the facility) it would be permissible to distribute camp and clinic information/brochures. However, at the conclusion of the event it would no longer be permissible. Therefore, WU must assume the monitoring burden of ensuring no camp or clinic information is left at the facility after the conclusion of the event. NCAA DI Bylaw
Recruiting Materials – Case Student #3 Coach Mills has been printing recruiting materials on paper for years. Recently, he wondered if he printed recruiting materials on items other than paper, could he provide them to prospects of permissible age provided they are 8.5" x 11" or smaller. Specifically, Coach is thinking of creating plastic window clings or felt pennants. Is it permissible for Coach Mills to distribute recruiting materials printed/created on materials other than paper?
Recruiting Materials – Case Study #3 If it is determined the window clings or pennants have tangible value, it would NOT be permissible to distribute these items to prospects. Items of tangible value may not be given to prospects under the guise of general correspondence. NCAA DI Bylaws and 13.2
Publicity After Commitment – Case Study #4 Slough University is conducting their annual Spring Football game and "Fan Fest" this weekend. Coach Brent has let you know that a number of PSAs who have signed an NLI will be attending the game and he would like their names announced over the public address system and their photos to be shown on the video board. Is this permissible?
Publicity After Commitment – Case Study #4 Yes, this would be permissible. There are no restrictions on publicity related to a PSA after he or she has signed a NLI or the institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid or after the institution has received his or her financial deposit in response to its offer of admission. NCAA DI Bylaw 13.10.3
Publicity After Commitment – Case Study #5 Coach Brent thanks you for your wisdom, goes back down to the football office for a few hours and comes back up with a second scenario to run by you. This time Coach Brent and the staff want to know whether the signed prospects can go onto the field at halftime to be announced as opposed to just having their names announced and photos posted during the game. Would this be permissible?
Publicity After Commitment – Case Study #5 Yes, this would be permissible provided the announcement is not conducted in a way that would simulate game day activities (e.g. no running out of the tunnel, no wearing of institutional jerseys) as that prohibition remains in place even after a PSA has committed to the institution. NCAA DI Bylaw and 13.7.3
Publicity After Commitment – Case Study #6 Seeing that you are in such a charitable mood, and because Coach Brent is a coach, he decides to push this issue a little further. He wants to know whether or not the signed prospects can stay down on the sideline to watch the second half of the game because it may be a real challenge getting them back to their seats. Would this be permissible?
Publicity After Commitment – Case Study #6 No, this would not be permissible. Providing seating during the conduct of the event (including intermission) for the PSA or those accompanying the PSA in the facility's press box, special seating box(es) or bench area is specifically prohibited even for committed PSAs. NCAA DI Bylaw
Local Sports Clubs – Case Study #7 Coach Waller has approached you and asked you about the parameters of establishing a local sports club in the sport of football. Although he has not run a local sports club in the past, he has heard that a lot of other schools are doing it. Is this permissible?
Local Sports Clubs – Case Study #7 Yes, it is permissible to run a local sports club in the sport of football. The local sports club must meet the legislation, including all participants must be legal residents of the area (within 50-mile radius of the institution) and no sponsorship by the institution. NCAA DI Bylaw
Local Sports Clubs – Case Study #8 After researching a bit more, Coach Waller comes back to ask you a little more detail in regards to the 50-mile radius limit. Namely, how this number is determined and if there are any exceptions to the limit. How would you answer him?
Local Sports Clubs – Case Study #8 The 50-mile radius limitation is based off of a "as the crow flies" analysis and the exception to the 50-mile radius is a case where the local sports club is the closest opportunity for the PSA to participate with any club. The exception may not be used based upon the competitive level of the club. http://tjpeiffer.com/crowflies.html NCAA DI Bylaw
Camps and Clinics – Case Study #9 East University (EU) is outsourcing men's basketball camps and clinics to Meridian Basketball Operations. Meridian will handle all camp and clinic operations and the two entities would share ownership in all future EU basketball camps and clinics. If EU outsources its men's basketball camps and clinics to an outside entity, can it be classified as noninstitutional?
Camps and Clinics – Case Study #9 No, provided EU has at least a 51-percent ownership stake in the camps/clinics, it is considered an institutional camp/clinic. An institution's sports camp or instructional clinic shall be any camp or clinic that is owned or operated by a member institution or an employee of the member institution's athletics department, either on or off its campus, and in which PSAs participate. NCAA DI Bylaw
Questions / Comments sconnors@ncaa.org jsamble@ncaa.org
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