Get ready for that wiz words quiz. Thursday, April 7 Get ready for that wiz words quiz.
Other reminders/calendar update May 1st = Service deadline. All points must be logged on and documented in AGS binder. Did you make up your quizzes? Timed Writings? Today= tell me your chosen Adler concept. →You will receive your Adler Concept Essay next week.
TODAY: Work day for RIP/Poems 1. Read and annotate—10% of grade is annotations, so be thorough. You’ll turn in annotation on Monday in class. 2. Follow steps of handout for RIP, as before by the beginning of class on Monday, April 11. 3. Submit RIP to by start of class on Friday. Email work to me only if you’re struggling with
How to Find Viable Resources? Always choose full text sources only. Always narrow the search to academic/peer reviewed journals. Never choose book reviews. This is someone’s opinion, not actual research. Not sure? Ask me.