WP 3: Data Quality Alexia Katsanidou alexia.katsanidou@gesis.org
Objectives to establish a trust environment and a joint data metadata domain based on well-established AAI principles to establish a widely used tool/services portal and setup a framework for testing, evaluating and commenting on tools/services to spread information about useful components to define typical processing chains, test them based on existing technology and spread the information about how to create and use them to create an interoperability framework based on typical use cases to create a data enrichment framework suitable for SSH researchers
Description Leader: City University London. Resources 145 PM Task 1: assess the biggest problems resulting in quality problems of data and identify cross-community solutions Task 2: improve the quality issues around cross-national European surveys and carry out development and curation by introducing computer-assisted methods using state-of-the-art technologies Task 3: provide multi-language questionnaire and documentation frameworks to improve the quality of survey data in a multilingual European scenario Task 4: improve the quality issues around metadata generation and curation
WP 3 – Data Quality Collaboration of ESS, SHARE and CESSDA Software for improved coding of occupation Multi-language questionnaire development tool Questionnaire Design Documentation Databank Translation Tool and Databank Question Databank Fieldwork monitoring system CAMCES
DASISH Executive Board - September 19 Progress Subcontract signed with Warwick for ‘multilingual CASCOT 5.0’, incorporating 4-6 language user interface and classification files ‘Extended description’ produced for Question/Variable Data base (QVDB) Review of existing tools developed previously by CESSDA, NSIs Progress on specification for a slim version of a standardised fieldwork management system DASISH Executive Board - September 19
WP3 Task 3 – Fieldwork Monitoring System Task: “To build up and computerize a fieldwork monitoring system for cross-national surveys which can centrally manage their distributed fieldwork, helping to optimize response rates and data quality” 3 Components: Tool Data collection, Sample-Management Data Paradata, Indicators Monitoring Reports, Intervention strategies etc.
Dataflow for Monitoring in SHARE CentERdata CAPI SMS Technical Exports/Flat Files Keystrokes FTP MEA Survey Agency Country Team Area Coordinator Report FTP Survey Agency SD FTP Interviewer Laptop Interviewer Laptop … SMS BLAISE
Requirement Need Survey Different groups of survey practitioners: Agencies that conduct both SHARE and the ESS (CAPI) Agencies that conduct the ESS only (using CAPI) Agencies that conduct the ESS only (using PAPI) Topics: Agency procedures: field force, current system of sample management, training Technical requirements: availability of equipment (laptop/tablets/smartphones), technical expertise Monitoring: quality checks, procedures Perspective of the country teams
Case Management Tool Draft Demo: CMT app programmed by CentERdata http://cdata3.uvt.nl/crs
Milestones Design of a standardized SMS (June 2013) Preparing paradata set (June 2013) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Report on keystroke analysis (Dec 2014) Fieldwork monitoring application (Dec 2014)
Who to speak to? Johanna Bristle (SHARE) Sally Widdop (City) Verena Halbherr (GESIS)
Taking the message beyond DASISH Contributions to WP8 quantitative workshops Sessions on each theme of the WP: occupation; databases for metadata; fieldwork management systems representation from other social surveys: ISSP, GSS, GGP, Eurobarometer, EVS Aim to maintain inter-survey networks DASISH Executive Board - September 19
1st Quantitative Workshop “Digital Ressources For International Survey Research” Mannheim, 12.-13. December 2012
DASISH Executive Board - September 19 Thank you! DASISH Executive Board - September 19