Warm Up As you come in, please fill out your planner, sit in your assigned seat, and think about what the 3 learning community as well as school wide expectations are. Be ready to share out with your classmates!
Your Key to Success in Social Studies Interactive Notebook Your Key to Success in Social Studies
Have you ever heard yourself say . . . I can't find my . . . notes, homework, old quizzes . . . I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I'm sure its in . . . my locker . . . my book bag . . . my room . . . I was absent last week, did I miss anything?
Get it together with your Interactive Notebook
What is an Interactive Notebook? A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, classwork, quizzes – in one convenient spot.
Left Side – Right Side Orientation The Left side is “left” for you. This is the side that you can use to show me your creativity. The Right side is “Restricted” and contains teacher guided notes. Nothing else should be placed on the Right side!!
Left Side The left side belongs to you. It contains your warm-up (question mark) and the day’s activity (light bulb). On this page you may include diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, etc. Odd Pages
Examples of Left Side Assignments Warm-Up Webs Diagrams Poems Reflections Comics
Illustrated Outlines
Sensory Figures
Sensory Figures, cont.
Concept Map
Comic Strips
Venn Diagram
Right Side The right side belongs to me and should only contain teacher directed guided notes. Nothing else should be placed on this page! The right side contains the notepad icon and will contain all the testable material. Even Pages
Examples of Right Side Assignments Notes Study Guides Vocabulary
Student Materials Mead 5 Star Notebook Erasable pens Colored pencils Glue sticks (2 per month) Scissors Highlighters
Maintaining the Interactive Notebook No ripped out pages or torn corners No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes Notebook should only be used in Social Studies. (No other classes!!) Date and number each page
“What if I’m absent?” If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain notebook assignments from either Another student The sample notebook Or the teacher Web page
Time to number your pages! Lay your spiral flat and number the first page 0 Turn the page Number the left page 1 Number the right page 2 Continue remember that the LEFT pages are ODD and the RIGHT pages are EVEN Time to number your pages!
Ancient History Decorate the page with 5 images Inside cover Ancient History Inside cover Through inquiry learning and application, students at SMS will be able to make personal connections to the world around them Decorate the page with 5 images
Title page 2 How maps help us study History Then highlight the outer edge of the page Title page 2
Title Page 1 Unit Vocab and copy down the following vocab words: Longitude Latitude Hemisphere Political Map Physical Map Thematic Map Theme Precise Interaction Influence Primary Resources Secondary Resources Oral History Title Page 1
Pretest Title Page 3
Posttest Title Page 4
Warm Ups Title pages 131 to 140