GIS Study of Hydrologic Impacts on Ventura River Flood Plain By: Warrior Nation Photo Courtesy:NOAA
Study Area of Ventura River Image Courtesy:NASA World Wind, Google Earth
Look at the impact of flooding physically and socially Original Goals Create a flood prediction - no enough data - not right software (Hec Ras) Manning equation - not right equipment to collect correct data - too many variables left unknown Look at the impact of flooding physically and socially
Forced to change direction of project So… Forced to change direction of project
New Goals Look at the Physical impacts of the 1995 flood Assess damage of flood Make map with ground truth data of 1995 flood called verbal flood map Categorize the 1995 flood we mapped as a 100 or 500 year flood
Measuring Ground Truth G.P.S. Points Visit the Study Area Measuring Ground Truth G.P.S. Points Methods
Photo Courtesy:NOAA
Interviewing locals to determine 95’ Flood Height Ryan Graham at Ventura trailer park with his tape measure Methods
Locating USGS Flow Stations
Digitizing the FEMA floods
Categorizing flood
Impacts of 1995 flood
Do they look different? Below: 500 yr map Above: 100 yr map
Roads inside the 100 year flood plain Overlaid by clipping in analysis tools
The 95 flood was closer to the 500 year flood than the 100 year Tourism and road impact -14.54 miles road damage for 100 yr flood $34.5 million to repair - 20.79 mi damage for 500 yr flood $49.5 million to repair 80 sq miles of urban area impacted by flood zone
Data Acquisition: U.S. Census Bureau Tiger/Line Files ASTER Digital Elevation Model: Courtesy Ted Eckman, NASA Affiliated Researcher USGS Population Density: Courtesy Diego Pedreros U.S.G.S. Ventura County GIS: Contour and Stream Bed shapefile Google Earth
Josh Bader Ted Eckman Diego Pedreros Michael Goodchild Special Thanks to: Josh Bader Ted Eckman Diego Pedreros Michael Goodchild
GO WARRIORS! 2007 – 2008!
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