SCC Student Home Zip Codes (Fall 2016) Top Zip Codes Location Fall 2016 # of students % of Total 95822 Land Park 1,320 5.9 95823 Parkway 1,233 5.5 95691 West Sacramento 1,092 4.8 95831 Pocket / Greenhaven 1,018 4.5 95820 Oak Park / Fruitridge 942 4.1 95616 Davis 888 3.9 95828 Florin 851 3.8 95824 Colonial 745 3.3 95758 Elk Grove 722 3.2 95826 Perkins 666 3.0 95624 625 2.8 95818 Broadway / Upper Land Park 621 Total Top Zips 10,723 47.6 All Others: 11,826 52.0 Total 22,549 May not sum due to rounding Updated 04/19/17 AG 13-13 Sacramento City College Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness Source: EOS Profile Data