Smart Buildings – Connecting Buildings to the Cloud P4041 Smart Buildings – Connecting Buildings to the Cloud Chris Segura Sr. PM Azure CAT @IoTHybridCloud
Smart Buildings - Overview Smart Building Architecture End to End sensors, gateway, cloud… Smart Building protocol translation application Azure IoT Edge overview BACnet protocol translation architecture Demo
Smart Building – Prototype Architecture BACnet Gateway IoT Hub Stream Analytics Storage Building 19 Power BI
Azure IoT Edge SDK Edge provides infrastructure Scenario: Protocol translation Legacy protocol IoT Hub Scenario building blocks Native protocol interface/translator IoT Hub interface Options: filter, aggregate, dev mgt etc. Edge provides infrastructure Infrastructure defined via JSON Interface/translate IoT Hub interface Opt A Opt B Opt Etc.
Smart Building Edge Gateway Architecture GW hardware BACnet Polling Module SQLite DB IoT Hub Module IoT Hub GW bus BACnet Discovery Module HTTP Server Module
Azure IoT Edge – Key Methods (ANSI - C) Key methods to control and operate on messages from GW static void* MyModule_ParseConfigurationFromJson(const char* configuration) { /* Capture args from JSON (e.g., set up IP address/port) */ } static MODULE_HANDLE MyModule_Create(BROKER_HANDLE broker, const void* configuration) /* Initialize Module*/ static void MyModule_Receive(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle, MESSAGE_HANDLE messageHandle) /* Handle messages received from other modules */
Smart Building / BACnet Protocol Translation DEMO
Call to Action Download: Smart Building solution Build breakout session: Enabling intelligence at the edge with Azure IoT Download: Azure IoT Edge Download: Smart Building solution Coming soon Learn more: Azure IoT Suite Re-visit Build session recordings on Channel 9. Continue your education at Microsoft Virtual Academy online. Chris Segura - @IoTHybridCloud