City of Quincy, MA Audrey Nelson Presentation 2016 Salah Foundation Music Clubhouse
About Quincy Population: 94,000 “City of Presidents” - John Adams & JQA Location of “Old House” at “Peace field” Birthplace of John Hancock Known for quarries & ship-building CPD Funds: $4.5M CoC; $1.7M CDBG; $600K HOME Cons; $150K ESG
Where We’re At
Funding $ 50,000 CDBG $100,000 Salah Family Foundation $100,000 Music and Youth Initiative ________ $250,000 TOTAL
The Clubhouse Music director’s office; practice room; classroom; sound booth; and control room Professional quality instruments & equip. Opportunities include voice/instrument lessons, composition, recording, etc. Benefits include team-building; skill-building; and a safe place to hangout Studies link music education to greater academic success and self-esteem.
Ribbon-Cutting during CD Week 2015