Summer Fun! This is a simple story template to create a snapshot story book of fun that was had over the summer. Use this at the beginning of the school year to share a story about what the person did over the summer. Use as many or as few pages as you like. Use the Chat Editor to add sequences to the book to help tell the story.
Summer Fun! Directions: (See video example) Add a photo to frame box. Add text to describe the fun. Device: Option 1- use the vocabulary to describe what happened in the photo. Option 2- use a visual scene template (in WordPower) and add the story to buttons around the picture This example used WordPower 60 basic Visual Scene templates are found in all the WordPower files.
Summer fun!
Snapshots of my fun! Add text and sequences so the person can retell how much fun they had! Insert summer fun photo
More fun! Add text and sequences so the person can retell how much fun they had. Insert summer fun photo
More fun! Add text and sequences so the person can retell how much fun they had! Insert summer fun photo
How about you? WordPower