VHDL Hierarchy in XILINX 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
VHDL Hierarchy in XILINX How do you do component instantiation in a tool such as XILINX Outline and initial code of another application that includes a system controller 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX The Spec Design a 2 digit timer that has user inputs of Start/STOP S digit 1 S digit 2 And the digital circuit also has outside input/outputs of Clk Alarm output signal 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
Internal architecture A general high level view 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX The digit counters Inputs and outputs Clk – the clock signal Incr – an enable input (was not used) cup,cdn – count up or count down at0,at9 – output signals that indicate when the counter digit is at a value of 0 or 9 respectively Cnt – the BCD of the count for display 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
The code of the digit counter Note that it must add up or down The ENTITY ENTITY dig IS Port (clk : IN BIT; incr : IN BIT; cup,cdn : IN BIT; at0,at9 : OUT BIT; cnt : OUT BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0)); END dig; 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX The Architecture The first part ARCHITECTURE one OF dig IS SIGNAL icnt, inext_cnt : BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL incr_icnt : BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0); SIGNAL incr_carry : BIT_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0) := "00001"; SIGNAL idec_icnt : BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0); SIGNAL idec_bor : BIT_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0) := "00001"; BEGIN 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX The Architecture The F/F process PROCESS BEGIN WAIT UNTIL clk='1' and clk'event; icnt <= inext_cnt; END PROCESS; 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX Next State --NEXT state generation --CODE FOR INCREMENTER incr_icnt <= icnt xor incr_carry(3 DOWNTO 0); incr_carry(4 DOWNTO 1) <= incr_carry(3 DOWNTO 0) and icnt; --CODE FOR DECREMENTER idec_icnt <= icnt xor idec_bor(3 downto 0); idec_bor(4 DOWNTO 1) <= idec_bor(3 DOWNTO 0) and NOT icnt; PROCESS (cup,cdn,incr_icnt,idec_icnt) BEGIN IF (cup = '1' and cdn = '0' and incr_icnt = "1010") THEN inext_cnt <= "0000"; ELSIF (cup = '1' and cdn = '0') THEN inext_cnt <= incr_icnt; ELSIF (cup = '0' and cdn = '1' and idec_icnt = "0000") THEN inext_cnt <= "1001"; ELSIF (cup = '0' and cdn = '1') THEN inext_cnt <= idec_icnt; END IF; END PROCESS; 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX Output Generation And the output and end of the ARCHITECTURE --Output process PROCESS(icnt) BEGIN IF icnt = "0000" THEN at0 <= '1'; ELSE at0 <= '0'; END IF; IF icnt = "1001" THEN at9 <= '1'; ELSE at9 <= '0'; END IF; cnt <= icnt; END PROCESS; END one; 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX The controller The controller instantiates this digit unit twice. The ENTITY -- SYSTEM CONTROLLER ENTITY cntrl IS PORT (ST_STOP : IN BIT; sclk : IN BIT; s1,s2 : IN BIT; alarm : OUT BIT); END cntrl; 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX Cntrl declarations ARCHITECTURE one OF cntrl IS --internal signals SIGNAL cup,cdn : BIT; SIGNAL at0,at9 : BIT; SIGNAL cnt : BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0); SIGNAL iclk : BIT; TYPE state_type IS (idle,sethr,setmin,run,stop); SIGNAL state,next_state : state_type; 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
The Component Declaration Note that there is no configuration in XILINX COMPONENT m1 IS PORT (clk : IN BIT; en : IN BIT; cup,cdn : IN BIT; at0,at9 : OUT BIT; cnt : OUT BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0)); END COMPONENT; BEGIN 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX Using the component BEGIN --wire in component c0: m1 PORT MAP (iclk,'1',cup,cdn,at0,at9,cnt); --F/Fs PROCESS WAIT UNTIL sclk='1' and sclk'event; state <= next_state; END PROCESS; END ARCHITECTURE; Instantiates the component 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX What to do in the tool Start with input of the controller, cntrl, VHDL code Then in the process window (lower of the two left windows and the first tab) you will not that the first in the list is “Add Existing Source” Click on this tab and a window come up that allows selection of VHDL code for the digits counter unit. 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX Special Notes It is probably easiest to enter the code for the digits unit using the editor of ModelSim XE. Under the File tab choose NewSourceVHDL This is a nice VHDL editor. Now that the source is added you can do the synthesis. You need the declaration of the component and the instantiation, but no configuration 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX
ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX 9/26/2008 ECE 561 - Lecture - Hierarchy in XILINX