Activity 1.6: Different Ways to See The World
Q-H-T (Question- Heard- Teach) Put a Q-H-T next to each term on page 21 Frame Subject Cropping Lighting Composition Space
Frame: Area of action that is captured by the camera
Subject Object, person, and/or matter being studied in the frame
Cropping Cutting off or concealing unwanted parts of an image within a photograph
Lighting: Overall effect produced by the amount or type of light in a photograph
composition The way in which the parts of the subject are arranged to present a visual image
Space: Area established or set apart by the arrangement of subjects or matter
Questions to Analyze: Describe the photo; space, subject, lighting, cropping, etc. What do you think the photo is about? What about the photo makes me think this?
O- Overview
T- texts
I- interrelationships
Questions to Answer O: What Do I think this picture is about? P: For each part of optic, what stands out to me ? T: How is the title related to the picture? I: Now that I have seen all the different parts, who do they come together? What do I think this picture is about now? C: What is the overall tone of this picture? What is the message of the Picture? What is the Photographer trying to say/?
Optic Activity: Ads Break the ad up into parts and texts Complete optic graphic organizer Paste the picture back together On the back- write the conclusion and then 3 parts of the text that prove that conclusion (use photo terms. Ex. Subject, frame, cropping, lighting, image, composition, space)