Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation 2015-2016 A “Leader in Me” campus
SCUCISD Mission Statement Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD provides a safe, secure and challenging learning environment, through the responsible use of all resources, to afford opportunities for all students to realize their individual potential and to become responsible and productive members of society. Cibolo Valley Mission Statement- in progress
Kindergarten Classroom Goal: Learning Goals SCUCISD: 90% of all students and student accountability groups meet STAAR standards. 90% of students reading on Grade Level by the beginning of 3rd Grade. Cibolo Valley: By the end of the school year, 100% of the students will meet or exceed the grade level reading standards as measured by the district reading inventories and/or common assessments and the STAAR test. Kindergarten Classroom Goal: By the end of the year, 100% of Kindergarten students will meet or exceed the grade level reading standards as measured by the district reading inventories (DRA and Istation).
Our Math Learning Goal: By the end of the year, 100% of all Cibolo Valley Kindergarteners will meet or exceed the grade level standards as measured on report card. Our Reading Learning Goal: By the end of the year, 100% of Kindergarten students will meet or exceed the grade level reading standards as measured by the district reading inventories (DRA and Istation.)
Reading Developmental Reading Assessment (Jan/May) On level = DRA 3/4 DRA 6 is a positive start for First grade Istation (Oct/Jan/May) Sight words- 50 words-District sight word list Lap Reading Logs- 200 minutes per month(Minimum)
Math Standards for Math - ● Count forward and backward to 20 ● Read, write and represent numbers to 20 ● Count a set of objects up to at least 20 and demonstrate that the last number said tells the number of objects in the set ● Subitizing-instantly recognizing a quantity of a small group of objects ● Generate a set using concrete and pictorial models that represents a number ● Generate a number that is more than/less than another number ● Model the action of joining and separating ● Solving word problems using objects and drawings ● Explaining strategies involving adding and subtracting ● Identifying U.S. coins by name ● Counting by 10s to at least 100 and begin by any given number ● Identifying two-dimensional components of three-dimensional objects ● Personal Financial Literacy- For example.., First, we create a list of what kids need and what they want . Next, we discuss that there are two ways to obtain these things: income and gift money . Then, we go to the thought that income can be earned in a multitude of ways and there are skills you need to get these jobs .
Kindergarten Awards Honor Criteria Kindergarten Completion Demonstration of Skills Perfect Attendance 0 absences and less than 3 tardies Excellent Attendance 1 or 2 absences and less than 3 tardies Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club Six hours of reading and the form submitted prior to the deadline Lap Reading/Pizza Hut Book It participant Minimum of 200 minutes each month
7 Habits of Happy Kids Habit 1: Be Proactive • You're in Charge Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind • Have a Plan Habit 3: Put First Things First • Work First, Then Play Habit 4: Think Win-Win • Everyone Can Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood • Listen Before You Talk Habit 6: Synergize • Together Is Better Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw • Balance Feels Best
Please head to your child’s classroom for more information on how to have a successful Kindergarten year!!