Strand 2: Learning Styles TAP 1
Intelligence Capacity to: 1) acquire and use knowledge, 2) solve problems, 3) reason in the abstract Influenced by both heredity & environment Once considered a singular trait; now thought of as multi-dimensional
Multiple Intelligences Gardner’s theory: Suggests that intelligence is not unitary but multidimensional Suggests that classrooms should attempt to develop different kinds of intelligence
Gardner’s Dimensions of Intelligence Linguistic intelligence: a sensitivity to the meaning and order of words. Logical-mathematical intelligence: ability in mathematics and other complex logical systems. Musical intelligence: the ability to understand and create music. Spatial intelligence: the ability to "think in pictures," to perceive the visual world accurately, and recreate (or alter) it in the mind or on paper.
Gardner’s Dimensions of Intelligence Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: the ability to use one's body in a skilled way, for self-expression or toward a goal. Interpersonal intelligence: an ability to perceive and understand other individuals -- their moods, desires, and motivations. Intrapersonal intelligence: an understanding of one's own emotions. Naturalist intelligence: an ability to recognize similarities and differences in the natural world.
Learning Styles Describes students’ personal approaches to learning Suggests we should develop metacognition — students’ awareness of how they learn most effectively What is your dominant learning style?
Learning Styles Visual/Spatial The simplest explanation of a visual-spatial learner is that they generally think in pictures, rather than in words. They also tend to learn holistically, instead of sequentially, or in parts. The visual-spatial learner can easily see the big picture of things, but might miss out on the details.
Learning Styles Verbal/Linguistic Verbal-linguistic learning style refers to a person's ability to reason, solve problems, and learn using language
Learning Styles Analytic Analytic Learning is an analytical approach to learning that uses prior knowledge as a base from which concepts can be described, hypotheses can be developed, and concepts can be rationally generalized by analyzing the components and the structure of the concepts.
Learning Styles Kinesthetic/Tactile Kinesthetic learning or tactile learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations.
Learning Styles Global Global Learners tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly without seeing connections, and then suddenly "getting it." May be able to solve complex problems quickly or put things together in novel ways once they have grasped the big picture, but they may have difficulty explaining how they did it .
Learning Behavior Influences Social Family Lifestyle Peer relationships Cultural Beliefs/Values Ethnicity Religion/Traditions Economic/Political Family income School funding Government laws Environmental Classroom atmosphere Teacher attitude Course curriculum