Theory of Multiple Intelligences By Bethel Rose
Howard Gardner Howard Gardner invented the theory of Multiple Intelligences. He was born on July 11, 1943 in Pennsylvania. As a child he played piano but quit when he reached adolescence. He studied at Harvard University and became a Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School.
Gardner’s Theory Linguistic (verbal) Musical Spatial In his theory he proposed that there are eight separate intelligences, possibly more. The eight he proposed are as follows: Linguistic (verbal) Musical Spatial logical-mathematical bodily-kinesthetic (movement) interpersonal (understanding others) intrapersonal (understanding self) Naturalist (observing and understanding natural patterns)
What are these ‘intelligences’? Linguistic intelligences refer to words. People who are linguistically intelligent are characteristically good at reading, writing, talking, and memorizing. Someone like this would learn best from talking about the subject. Musical intelligences are talking about sensitivity to sounds; pitch, rhythm, tones, and music. A person who is musically intelligent will be gifted in singing, playing instruments, and writing music.
What are these ‘intelligences’? Spatial intelligences means a person can create in their mind easily. Someone with spatial intelligence may be an artist, or architect. He can see in his mind what he wants to make. Logical-mathematical intelligences refer to numbers, analysis, and logic. A person with logical- mathematical intelligences will easily be able to think scientifically, and to complete complex calculations.
What are these ‘intelligences’? Bodily-kinesthetic intelligences mean that the person is able to manage his bodily movement and objects well. These people will learn best through doing rather than sitting and reading. They will generally also have a good sense of timing. Interpersonal intelligences are talking about social interactions. They tend to be outgoing, are effective communicators, and are sensitive to others moods. They learn best from working in a group.
What are these ‘intelligences’? Intrapersonal intelligences refer to knowledge of one’s own feelings, needs, wants, strengths and weaknesses. These people have an understanding of themselves. Naturalist intelligences mean that one understands the natural world around them.
Does the Theory have faults? This theory is not without its faults. It is not widely accepted in the scientific community and there are no available studies that support it. Moreover the different intelligences might not be completely separate, as musical and spatial intelligences may be related; also some have suggested that some of the intelligences may just be talents.
Apply this Theory. . . Educators who wish to apply this theory to their teaching style would use different techniques, exercises and activities in their teaching so that each child in their classroom will learn through their learning style.
Sources Winner, Ellen. "The History of Howard Gardner." Howard Gardner. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. <>. Woolfolk, Anita. Educational Psychology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill, 2010. Print. Wikimedia. "Theory of Multiple Intelligences." Wikipedia, Theory of Multiple Intellegences. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. ces#Linguistic