Residual Paralysis Is More Common Than You Think
This program will include a discussion of off-label treatment not approved by the FDA for use in the United States.
Use of Neuromuscular Blocking Agent Improves Intubation Conditions
Improved Tracheal Intubation Conditions Associated With Less Laryngeal Complications Postsurgery
Achieving Optimal Surgical Conditions
Deep NMB vs No NMB
Dose-Dependent Relationship Between NMBAs and Postoperative Respiratory Complications
NMBAs and Hospital Readmission
NMBAs and Residual Paralysis
Residual NMB
Risk Factors Associated With Postoperative Pulmonary Complications
Strategies to Prevent, Reduce, and Manage Residual Paralysis
Does Quantitative Monitoring Lead to Decreased Risk of AEs?
Quantitative Monitoring Reduces Incidence of Respiratory AEs
Proper Monitoring: Qualitative vs Quantitative
Neostigmine (cont)
MGH Dept. of Anesthesia and Critical Care Pain Medicine Quality Improvement Project
MGH DACCPM Cognitive Aid
Results of MGH DACCPM Quality Improvement Project
Sugammadex (cont)
How Much Sugammadex?
Contraindications for Sugammadex
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)