Chapter 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon Section 1 On the Eve of the Revolution
Key Concept… Scientific revolution New thinking encouraged New thinking leads to revolutions in America and France
Trouble Looming France > severe economic crisis Nobles sought financial reforms to solve the problem Will not solve the problem People > hungry, unemployed, & poorly paid
French society divided Under ancien regime (old order) Society is divided into social classes (estates) 1st estate > clergy 2nd estate > nobility 3rd estate > vast majority of population
clergy Enjoyed wealth and privilege Paid no direct taxes to the state 10% of Land Paid no direct taxes to the state Some parish priests were very poor Did provide social services Schools, hospitals, orphanages Under attack by philosophes (Enlightenment thinkers) Why?
Nobility Richelieu & Louis XIV had crushed nobles power & gave them other rights Hated absolutism & royal bureaucracy Fear of losing traditional privileges not paying taxes
3rd Estate > Diverse Rise in bread > caused hunger At the top > bourgeoisie > middle class merchants, bankers, doctors, lawyers, etc. Majority > rural peasants Poorest members > urban workers Urban poor > unemployed > crime/beg Resented noble’s privileges Best jobs reserved for nobles Rise in bread > caused hunger Why should first two estates enjoy privileges at the expense of the majority?
Financial Troubles Economic woes added to social unrest Deficit spending? Govt. spends more money than it takes in National debt > Louis XIV main reason Taxes went to pay the borrowed money Bad harvests = high food prices = hunger Had to raise taxes
Economic reform Louis XV ran up more debt Louis XVI > weak and indecisive Hires Jacques Necker > financial expert Reduce court spending Abolish tariffs Tax First and Second Estate Result > he is fired Louis XVI summons Estates- General Made up of all three estates Chance of carrying out reform
Grievance Notebooks Louis XVI had all three estates prepare cahiers List of grievances Cahiers testified to boiling class resentments
Tennis Court Oath Third Estate delegates > owned property > mostly middle class Intelligent > insisted on reform Estates argued over voting > each estate got one vote Problem? Third Estate forms the National Assembly Locked out of room > held meeting in tennis court Tennis Court Oath > vow to meet until there is a just constitution
Storming the bastille Paris > fear of royal troops were going to occupy the capital 800 stormed the Bastille for ammunition & gun powder Represented years of abuse