F Bathroom and E bedroom wall RISER PROJECT F Bathroom and E bedroom wall
THIRD kitchen riser Why is this riser unique? This kitchen will be entered through the bedroom wall in the E tier This way kitchen cabinets, backsplash , AND counters will not be disturbed
The lay of the land
General information Work is intended to be done from 8am until 5pm, Monday thru Friday Water will be shut off, for short periods of time throughout the day At the end of each day there will be water and the kitchen fixtures will be functioning There will be a lot of noise and smells as they braise the pipes The service elevator will be used intermittently to bring in pipes, etc. When a floor is being worked on, the plumbers will be going to both units and leaving doors open
Wall opening for pipe exposure
Some positives… Cleaner water Hotter water Better water pressure Shut-off valves are concealed under the sink
Time line (using the term loosely) The contractor will start removing the wall sections from the top floor down Soon after, the plumbers will follow them. the plumbing and construction will take approximately 4-6 weeks When you see tarps down in the hallway, that means you are soon to have visitors!
How to prepare Provide a copy of your unit key within 2 working days –of our request. Not providing a key is not an option If you do not have a duplicate key – have one made, do not give it to us until you have confirmed that it works All keys will be kept until after that riser is complete – you may not pick them UP at the end of each day Keys will be kept in the management office Anyone locking a lock that we do not have a key for you will be fined and a locksmith will be called in at your expense
How to prepare - continued Plumbers and contractors will be coming in and out of all of your units every day of the project “E” Residents If you have pets, put them behind a closed door When they are doing concentrated work in your unit – put a post-it on your door to let the workers know there is a Pet inside Cover the furniture in the area where work is being done
How to prepare - continued remove any furniture or wall art from the wall in your bedroom that is common to the “F” unit Make a clear path from your front door to the bedroom wall Until we open a wall we do not know how far over the opening will be toward your closet
How to prepare - continued All of these ‘Housekeeping’ items should remain, in place, for the duration of the project “F” Residents Remove items on your counters by the sink Remove everything under your sink Empty your dishwashers
How to prepare - continued If you have pets, put them behind a closed door When they are doing concentrated work in your unit – put a post-it on your door to let the workers know there is a Pet inside Make a clear path from your front door to the sink wall