Ongoing Reporting Guiding Principle 4 Use the language of learning to provide effective feedback
In this workshop we will explore reporting based on the dual approach to assessment – formative and summative judgements: linked to criteria for assessment drawing on a range of evidence and sources expressed in the language of learning separating the language of examinations from the language of ongoing classroom-based assessment
Guiding Principle 4 a move away from reporting mainly based on percentages, marks and grades reporting captures student achievement by using descriptors of performance and criteria for assessment providing formative feedback to students commentary on student progress draws on a broad range of evidence from a variety of sources reports indicate strengths and areas for development
Terminology is important where a school includes results of in-house exams in a report, SEC terminology is used the language used to describe ongoing classroom-based assessment is different from that used to describe performance in terminal exams this is a dual approach, where formative assessment is complemented by summative assessment (Framework for JC, p.35)
Reflect on the video below Geoff Petty explains the kind of information that students need to receive in feedback from teachers
Reviewing what we do Consider the statements on page 26 of the booklet as you respond to this question. How well is our school doing in terms of using the language of learning to provide feedback to students? Discuss your responses with colleagues and record your conclusions.
A further discussion point How useful is Guskey’s view in reflecting on the significant change for parents and students that follows from using the language of learning?
And a final point to consider Students and parents will require support in coming to a clear understanding of the new language of reporting in junior cycle. How might we assist parents and students to develop an understanding of the new descriptors?
Which Guiding Principle is next for us? You have now completed the discussion on this Guiding Principle and recorded the agreed changes or action points Decide which of the Guiding Principle/s you plan to discuss next.