Please note: For the purposes of the following presentation, any reference to “All Levels or “From National 3 to Advanced Higher” does not include National 5 as of session 2017-18 and Higher from session 2018-19.
SQA Modern Languages Qualifications National 3 to Advanced Higher
Course and Unit Overview
SQA Modern Languages Qualifications To develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of a modern language To cover the contexts of society, learning, employability and culture To develop learners’ reading, listening, talking and writing skills to understand and use one or more modern languages
Mandarin (Traditional) Modern Languages Cantonese Italian Spanish French German Urdu Gaelic (Learners) Mandarin (Traditional) Mandarin (Simplified)
Levels available for Modern Languages Advanced Higher SCQF 7 Higher SCQF 6 Levels available for Modern Languages National 5 SCQF 5 National 4 SCQF 4 National 3 SCQF 3
Complex and sophisticated Advanced Higher Complex and sophisticated Higher Detailed and complex Expected language at National 5 Detailed National 4 Straightforward National 3 Simple
Overview of Course Assessment
Course Assessment Purpose: To assess the added value of the Course, confirm attainment in the Course and provide a grade. Added value for the Course will address the key purposes and aims of the Course One or more of breadth, challenge or application Higher and Advanced Higher: Graded A-D