Limiting factors which will affect the rate of photosynthesis How light intensity will effect photosynthesis
How light intensity will effect photosynthesis At low light intensities, as light intensity increases, the rate of the light- dependent reaction, and therefore photosynthesis generally, increases proportionately (straight line relationship). The more photons of light that fall on a leaf, the greater the number of chlorophyll molecules that are ionised and the more ATP and NADPH are generated. Light dependent reactions use light energy and so are not affected by changes in temperature.
How light intensity will effect photosynthesis As light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis increases However, the rate of photosynthesis is eventually limited by some other factor. So the rate plateaus. At very high light intensity, chlorophyll may be damaged and the rate drops steeply
Hypothesis For this experiment we will be using 5 plants to give use a reliable results. We will be measuring how light intensity will effect the plant. We think that the plant that will be nearest to the light will be growing a lot more faster as it will be photosynthesising faster. However when we are looking at the plant that will be the furthest away from the light and more into the dark place. We think that this certain plant will be growing less as it will have a slow rate of photosynthesis as there is not a lot of light. we will be measuring the plant growth from the height of it. As then we will actual be able to see if the plant has increased in the size. Or if it has not increased in height at all.
Investigation What we did - For this experiment we were measuring out the rate of photosynthesis by measuring the amount of bubbles that have been produced. We will be measuring the distance of light in this experiment to see how much the light will actually affect the amount of photosynthesis that will be produced.
Equipment list Electrical Lamp Beaker (250 cm3) Measuring cylinder to get more accurate results Test tube Cabomba plant Meter ruler Clamp Heat proof mat 2% of potassium hydrogen carbonate solution Scissors Thermometer Boiling tube
The method Method Step 1: Get all of your equipment out that you will need for the experiment Step 2 : Get all of the five plants that are the same plants to insure accuracy. Step 3: Label the plants 1 to 5 and place the first plant into a dark space. Step 4 : The 5 light should be in a room were there is a lot of light present to see the difference. Step 5: write down the first height of all of the plants Step 6: now every day go back and keep measuring the height of the plant Step 7: carry on going every day for 2 weeks on the last day then write down the height. And you should then start to see a difference in your results. Step 8 : make sure you water the plants every day for every plant in the experiment
Graph to show how light intensity effects photosynthesis Light intensity is usually defined as the energy hitting an area over some time period. A higher light intensity means more packets of light called “photons” are hitting the leaves. - A limiting factor could be the amount of chlorophyll molecules that are absorbing the light. At a very high intensity of light, the rate of photosynthesis would drop quickly as the light starts to damage the plant.