Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Engage - Annual Learning & Teaching Conference 26th June 2018 Kate Outhwaite Learning Technology Specialist Anglia Learning & Teaching
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback After this workshop you will be able to: Evaluate the benefits of formative quizzes to give directed feedback to support learning Create a basic quiz with feedback using the Quizzes tool in Canvas.
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback From the HEA Feedback Toolkit (2013): Formative feedback: Any task or activity which creates feedback (or feedforward) for students about their learning. Formative assessment does not carry a grade which is subsequently used in a summative judgement' (Irons, 2007, p.7) Summative assessment: Any assessment activity which results in a mark or grade which is subsequently used as a judgement on student performance. Ultimately judgements using summative assessment marks will be used to determine the classification of award at the end of a course or programme. (Irons, 2007, p.7)
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Show of hands poll Do you use MCQs already? on paper on-line If on-line, what platforms or software have you used? A VLE-based quiz tool (e.g. Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard etc) Hot Potatoes (free software) Questionmark Perception/OnDemand Other?
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Some benefits of on-line over paper quizzes Class time can be used more profitably than delivering the test Results can be automatically captured (at individual and cohort level) for analysis Built-in and customised question feedback can provide automatic, immediate and quite specific feedback to individuals
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Some challenges using quizzes: Good question/quiz design is a skilled and time- consuming process - Especially designing MCQs to test higher order learning Meaningful feedback is needed for learning to happen Summative (and even formative) assessment should align to institutional assessment policies Technology must be reliable and compatible Conversion of questions from paper to on-screen is not always straightforward.
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Designing Questions Go to: Take the “Content Free MCQ” quiz in modules Look at the feedback provided
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Examples of formative quizzes already in use at ARU: Dawn Hawkins’ weekly Progress Check quizzes in Biomeasurement – also example of progression of difficulty Simon Butler’s Pharmacology for Health Care Practice – topic based quizzes DH Progress Checks 2, 5 & 10 SB 6073
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Levels of automatic feedback in Canvas Quizzes: No feedback Score only Question level feedback Correct/Incorrect Customised (Correct/Incorrect plus neutral) Answer choice level feedback Customised (Correct/incorrect) Release of feedback can be delayed
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback 1) Quiz settings:
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback 2) Question settings:
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback 3) Answer choice settings:
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback What a student sees: Quiz level feedback (score)
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback What a student sees: 2) Question level feedback
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback What a student sees: 3) Answer choice level feedback
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Hands on!!! Full guide available at: s/items/190480 Go to a test course Go to Quizzes and create a new Quiz Use the sheet to set up a MCQ and a Numeric question then preview your quiz and feedback.
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Finally – Do you think you will be using quizzes for formative feedback going forward? Start small: A few questions, every few weeks Formative only Quizzes.Next will be released this summer – more Quiz options – watch this space! Any Questions?
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Resources: The Higher Education Academy, 2014. HEA Feedback Toolkit. HEA: York. [Last Accessed 26/6/2018] McKenna, C. and Bull, J., 1999. Designing effective objective test questions: an introductory workshop. CAA Centre: Loughborough University. Available at: [Last accessed 26/06/2018]. Chalmers, D.; McAusland, W. D. M, 2002. Computer-assisted Assessment. The Handbook for Economics Lecturers. Edited by John Houston and David Whigham, Glasgow Caledonian University. Available at: [Last accessed 04/04/2014] CSHE. undated. On-line assessment. Assessing Learning in Australian Universities. CSHE. Available at: http://melbourne- [Last accessed 17/04/2016]. JISC's Effective Assessment in a Digital Age. (Pages 8-11 and 17). Available at: [Last accessed 26/06/18] Sadler, D. and Davies. L., n.d. Developing Effective Feedback for Learning. Griffith Institute for Higher Education. Available at: Effective_Feedback_for_Learning.pdf. [Accessed 17/04/2016]
Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback Thank you & enjoy the rest of the conference! Kate Outhwaite Learning Technology Specialist Anglia Learning & Teaching 26 June 2018