Certification Information Seminar Vanessa Ann Silla, D.Ed., BCBA-D Certification Officer Education department University of Scranton Address: 141 McGurrin Hall Email: vanessa.silla@scranton.edu Telephone: 570-941-5810 11/18/2018
Nothing is Automatic Program completion (a Department function) Requires proof of submission of: The edTPA For undergraduates, the completion of curriculum requirements is congruent with graduation For grad or second degree students, completion of curricular requirements must be at or before graduation Graduation A University function Requires an application Certification A state (Commonwealth of PA) function 11/18/2018
The Next Step As you are approaching graduation, your next step is to apply to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) for your Pennsylvania Professional Educator Certification. There are two processes required when applying for a Pennsylvania professional educator certificate. Students must 1) complete the required University of Scranton paperwork and 2) complete the Pennsylvania Department of Education Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) online application process. 11/18/2018
Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) You will submit your application using PDE’s Teacher Information Management System (TIMS). To learn how to use TIMS… Visit http://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/Teachers-Administrators/Certifications/TIMS/Getting%20Started%20with%20TIMS.pdf (Getting Started with the Teacher Information Management System) To access the TIMS log in page… Visit http://www.education.pa.gov/Teachers%20-%20Administrators/Certifications/Pages/default.aspx#.VrIUTXuxkeJ and click on “TIMS Login” 11/18/2018
Completed Request for Recommendation for Certificate Students who wish to apply for certification in the state of Pennsylvania must complete the Request for Recommendation for Pennsylvania Professional Educator Certificate form. Please note that verification of program completion must be indicated by a signature from your advisor. Students should submit this form to: Dr. Vanessa Silla Certification Officer University of Scranton 141 McGurrin Hall 800 Linden Street Scranton, PA 18510 11/18/2018
TIMS Online Application Process Following submission of the Request for Recommendation to the Education Department (Becca Serafin for undergraduate students / graduate advisor for graduate students), students are to complete the online application process through the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s online Teacher Information Management System (TIMS). 11/18/2018
Logging onto TIMS 11/18/2018
Logging into TIMS (continued) 11/18/2018
Logging onto TIMS (continued) 11/18/2018
One Time Registration Process 11/18/2018
Registration Process (continued) 11/18/2018
Post Registration Delay 11/18/2018
Accessing TIMS Following Registration 11/18/2018
Accessing TIMS Following Registration (continued) 11/18/2018
Accessing TIMS Following Registration (continued) 11/18/2018
Establishing Your TIMS Profile 11/18/2018
PPID Number 11/18/2018
TIMS Dashboard 11/18/2018
Creating a New Credential Application To create a new Credential Application, click on “New Credential Application” from the Home screen. 11/18/2018
Background Questions You will be directed to the “Background Questions” screen where you will be required to respond to each question. To respond, click the applicable radio button next to each question. If you respond “Yes” to any question, click on the hyperlink, “(If yes, click here for additional instructions).” If you respond “Yes” to any question, click on the hyperlink, “(If yes, click here for additional instructions).” Be sure to click the affidavit box below the questions. You will then see a confirmation screen. Click “Yes” to continue. 11/18/2018
Credential Type and Subject Area A new page will open. Click the down arrow next to the “Select Credential Type” box and select the Credential type you are requesting. When you choose the Credential Type, the hyperlink for the “Requested Certification Subject Area(s)” will be enabled. Click on the hyperlink “Click here to select certification subject area to be requested” and choose the subject area for the Credential you are requesting. Chose your Subject Area(s) (you may choose more than one). Note that you may page through all subject areas by clicking the page numbers above the “Cancel” button to choose from additional subjects. When finished, click “Include Selected Certification Subject Area(s) in My Application”. You will be directed to the next page where you will be able to view your selection(s). 11/18/2018
Credential Type and Subject Area Instructional I = New/first time teachers registering for credentials in the state of Pennsylvania. Most students who recently completed their Teacher Preparation Program will be applying for this credential. Instructional II = After you have completed all requirements as specified by PDE, you may apply to have your Level I certification converted to a Level II certification. It is the responsibility of each certificate holder to obtain the Level II certificate before the service life of the Level I expires. This credential is not approved/issued by the University of Scranton. Attainment of an Instructional II is strictly between the applicant and PDE. Instructional Add-on = Applicants who already hold an Instructional I credential may add-on additional subject areas by meeting the additional requirements specified by PDE. A separate application and fee must be submitted via TIMS for each add-on subject area. Certification Subject Area = The University of Scranton strongly suggests that applicants review the PDE booklet "Professional Educator Certification: Level I Certification for Pennsylvania Graduates" (PDE >> Certifications >> Applications & Forms) to see the complete list of Certification Subject Area codes prior to completing their TIMS application. Failure to select the correct credential or subject area may delay your application or cause your application to be denied. 11/18/2018
NOTE: If you are applying for dual-certification (two areas: for example, Early Childhood AND Elementary Education), you MUST check BOTH boxes, as appropriate. 11/18/2018
Responding to Questions You will be directed to the next page where you will be able to view your selection(s). Before continuing, you will be required to respond to a number of questions. Respond by clicking “Yes” or “No” using the radio buttons next to each button. When finished, click “Continue”. 11/18/2018
NOTE: if you are applying for dual-certification, be sure to confirm that BOTH Certification Subject Areas appear in the box labeled "Requested Certification Subject Area(s)." 11/18/2018
Confirmation Screen You will then see a confirmation screen. Click “yes” to continue. 11/18/2018
PPID Notification A notification with your PPID number may appear. Please be sure to record this number for your records. 11/18/2018
Confirm In-State Certification Application Important Note: Some applicants have reported being incorrectly routed to the Out-of-State Application. Please verify that your application is for an In-State Certification. 1. Close out of your application 2. Return to TIMS (www.pa-tims.com) 3. Look under “Certificate/Request Type”. If “Out-of-State” appears, you will need to select “New Credential Application” again to begin a new application. 11/18/2018
View Tests on File A new window will open. If you have tests on file, they will be listed here. In this example, there are no tests currently on file. 11/18/2018
Demographic Information Complete the requested Demographic Information then click NEXT to move to step #2. 11/18/2018
Education Information 11/18/2018
Type in the name of the Education Institution you wish to add and click “Search”. 11/18/2018
Click “select” for the institution you wish to choose. 11/18/2018
Work Experience Information If you are applying for your first teaching certification, you are NOT required to complete this step and should click NEXT to continue your application. This section should ONLY be completed by those who already hold an Instructional I or Instructional II teaching certification in Pennsylvania or another state and are applying for an ADDITIONAL certification. You should NOT include work performed as part of your Practicum or Student Teaching experience or other educational-support-related positions such as a substitute teacher or teacher’s aide. You only need to complete this section if the credential you are applying for requires a minimum number of years of work experience to meet PDE requirements (example: Principal, District Superintendent). All other applicants should leave this section blank and click NEXT to continue. 11/18/2018
Health Certificate Verification A U.S. licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner must sign the Health Certificate in order to complete your application. The Health Certificate section is not required if the applicant holds, or has held, a PA certificate including an Intern Certification, Emergency Permits or Temporary Teaching Permits. There is a place on the final print out where you can have your Physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner sign to complete the PDE required Health Certificate. You may also submit a copy of PDE form 338G (pdf) with your physician’s signature. It is strongly suggested you retain a copy of all paper documents that you submit to PDE. 11/18/2018
Application Summary Review your application information carefully. If there are any corrections that need to be made, do so BEFORE you submit this application. Once you are certain that all information is correct, click "Proceed to Submit." You will then be directed to enter payment information and complete your final submission step. You MUST complete the final submission before your application is submitted to PDE and made available to the University of Scranton for verification/endorsement. 11/18/2018
Please note that the fee is now $125.00. 11/18/2018
Before continuing, you must scroll down the page, review the “Code of Conduct” and certify your information by clicking on the boxes. You may then print this Application by clicking on “Print” or proceed with the application by clicking on “Proceed to Submit”. Click on “Proceed to Submit”. 11/18/2018
You will be directed to the “Payment Processing and Application/Request Submission” Screen. Following the directions on the screen, complete the payment information and click on “Process Payment and Submit Application”. 11/18/2018
Printing the Coversheet The cover sheet can be printed by selecting the “Click here to print the coversheet” link as identified above or from the dashboard after application is submitted. You will see the following message pop up. 11/18/2018
Printing Your Certification Once your PDE application has been approved, you will be able to return to TIMS and print out your certification. No paper copies will be mailed to you. Schools and educational institutions from whom you are seeking employment will then be able to login to TIMS to verify your certification credentials. 11/18/2018