Welcome to back-to-school night
Welcome to our 4th Grade Classroom!! We are a great class of 12 girls and 13 boys! Our Class Motto Our Class Mission
Classroom Rules/Behavioral Expectations H – Helpful E – Engaged R – Respectful O – Organized Rewards/Incentives 25 fish – assembly Exceed 25 – extra rewards
Grading Scale A 90-100 B+ 87-89 B 80-86 C+ 77-79 C 70-76 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F 59 and below *Grades are viewable in Parent Portal*
Language Arts- Reading, Writing,Word Work Daily Read Aloud, Listen to Raz Kids, or Brain Pop Writing or Reading Mini- lesson Daily Five (Guided Reading, Read to Self, Buddy Reading, Writing , or Word Work) Nightly Reading
SOCIAL STUDIES Virginia History Geography First Americans Jamestown Colonial Virginia The American Revolution The Civil War Reconstruction 20th Century and Beyond
SCIENCE Topics include: Virginia Natural Resources Weather Solar System Earth, Moon and Sun Force and Motion Electricity and Magnetism Ecosystems Plants
Mathematics Number Sense – Place Value, Computation Whole Numbers Factors, Multiples and Arrays Multiplication and Division Computation –Fractions Probability Computation – Decimals Measurement Geometry Patterns, Functions and Algebra Graphing and Data
Homework *Please see student agenda, weekly emails and classroom website for updates and information*
Assessment Information Interactive Achievement(Computer Based) Quick Checks DRA2 SOL Testing in May/June (Math, Reading, Social Studies)
Technology Resources Raz Kids Dreambox Microsoft 365
Birthday/Celebration Information You may bring celebration foods into the cafeteria for students in your child’s class. “Happy Birthday Wishes” are announced each day on our morning announcements. If your child is having a birthday celebration, and inviting students, please have invitations for all students in the class.
Classroom Parties Winter Party-December Friendship/Valentine’s Exchange-February End of the Year Picnic/Celebration-June *Several volunteers will be needed for each event. Parents will be notified weeks before the event.
Field Trips/Special Events Colonial Days at Kyle R Wilson – December 9 Eagle Center by Belmont ES – December 12 & 14 Fredericksburg Field Trip-April 27
Forms of Communication School/Class Website-http://wilsones.pwcs.edu Agenda Email
My Contact Information @ School 571-589-4327 Before You Leave Please leave your child a letter of encouragement and sign up for a conference. Thank you for coming!!