Continuing to introduce our identities Self Representations Continuing to introduce our identities
Heart Maps- What is in my heart? Memories stored in your heart People that have been important to you Experiences or events that you will never forget--happy or sad Secrets you keep in your heart Things or objects that are important to you
Heart Maps- How do I portray my heart? What’s at the center of your heart – you might want to place the most important people, memories, and experiences in the center? Do you want to keep some things inside your heart and less important things on the outside of your heart? Do you want to draw more than one heart – good and bad; happy and sad; secret and open – and include different things inside each heart? Do different colors represent different emotions, events, and relationships?
Lots of images here: https://www. google. com/search Lots of images here: 8&bih=500&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CBwQsARqFQoTCP OLucPUzMcCFUOYgAodKDUGNA&dpr=1.25#imgrc=e6mRTFCpJS-eYM%3A
Self Portraits - What do I look like?
Self Portraits - What do I create? 3-5 images (drawn, digitally manipulated photos, etc.) of your expressive face Identify and name the different aspects of yourself that each picture represents An accompanying story, poem, or essay that captures the essence of yourself expressed in your pictures What does each picture say about how you interact with the world? What “type” of person you are? Are you hiding or being honest? etc.