4, 3, 2, 1 – la pirámide de éxito! Me THREE things from current topic ONE ambitious phrase / structure No aguanto Me I can’t stand TWO things from anywhere in your Spanish studies! Me encantan las matemáticas ¿Cuantos años tienes? I love maths How old are you? THREE things from current topic De vez en cuando Navego por internet Salgo con mis amigos From time to time I surf the net Bailo salsa FOUR things from last lesson: A las cinco y media A las ocho menos cuarto A las tres y cuarto A las seis y veinte At five thirty At quarter to eight At quarter past three At six twenty
4, 3, 2, 1 – la pyramide de succès! THREE things from current topic ONE ambitious phrase / structure je ne fais que I only do TWO things from anywhere in your French studies! il fait très chaud en été It is very hot In summer THREE things from current topic j’adore les dessins animés je ne peux pas lire sur ma tablette ça me rend triste I love cartoons I can’t read on my tablet It makes me sad FOUR things from last lesson: quand on a manqué un programme il y aura j’irai en ville ce week-end when we have missed a programme There will be I will go into town this week-end
4, 3, 2, 1 – la pyrámide de éxito! THREE things from current topic ONE ambitious phrase / structure TWO things from anywhere in your Spanish studies! THREE things from current topic FOUR things from last lesson:
4, 3, 2, 1 – la pyrámide de éxito! THREE things from current topic ONE ambitious phrase / structure TWO things from anywhere in your Spanish studies! THREE things from current topic FOUR things from last lesson: