VALIDITY Ceren Çınar.


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Presentation transcript:

VALIDITY Ceren Çınar

Table of Contents Definition of Terms Types of Validity Content Validity Criterion-Related Validity Construct Validity Face Validity The Use of Validity

Valid 1 .based on good reasons or facts that are true a valid argument a valid point 2.The item which is legally acceptable. The ticket is valid for three months.

What can be validity in testing? “The soundness or appropriateness of a test or instrument in measuring what it is designed to measure” (Vincent 1999) “Degree to which a test or instrument measures what it purports to measure” (Thomas & Nelson 1996)

Criterion-Related Validity Concurrent Validity Predictive Validity Content Validity Face Validity Construct Validity

Content Validity Content validity refers to correlation between the content of the test and the content of the material being tested.(A,Köyalan,2014) If a test has content validity , there is a strong relation and correlation between the content of the test and the content of the material being tested.Besides ,it includes proper items of the relevant structures. To illustrate , a grammar test must be made up items testing knowledge or control of grammar.

How can we judge the content validity of a test? A specification of the skills or structures that is meant to cover is needed. It provides the test constructor with the basis for making a principle selection of elements for inclusion in the test. Writing specification ensures that the test content is a fair reflection of determining parts which are important for lesson’s objectives.

Content validity is built into a test by: 1. Surveying the universe of material 2. Systematically selecting items from this universe 3. Pilot-testing to detect problem items & contribution of irrelevant factors

Criterion-Related Validity Criterion-related validity is used to see how far results on the test agree with those provided by some independent and highly dependable assessments of candidate’s ability. (Hughes,1941) To check this validity, the test is given to the same group together with the criterion measure. Then, two sets of scores are compared. (A,Köyalan ,2014)

Concurrent Validity Concurrent Validity while the test is given to a group, another valid test is given at the same time. Concurrent Validity measures how well a new test compares to an well-established test.

Predictive Validity The two tests are not given at the same time, but with a time interval in between. For example, suppose that there are a group of students studying for TOFEL and they go to a language course with the aim of being successful in the exam. The course teachers give them mock exams from time to time to prepare students for the real test. Later, the students take the real exam. When we compare the scores taken from the mock tests and the real one, it will serve as the predictive validity of the mock exam.

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CONSTRUCT VALIDITY What is a construct? Brown (2000) describes “a construct, …, as it is also called, is an attribute, proficiency, ability, or skill that happens in the human brain and is defined by established theories.”

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY What is construct validity? Brown(2000) ‘the experimental demonstration that a test is measuring the construct it claims to be measuring’ (p.8-12).

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY Making use of construct validity to be sure that a test measures what it is supposed to measure

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY Our construct is ‘language proficiency’

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY Having a value in theory Can be observed in practice

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY Having construct validity means that the test measures; Concepts Ideas Notions

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY To be clearer, imagine that...

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY Two groups and two tests One test with the construct and the other one without construct Scoring better than the group without construct Can infer that that test has construct validity

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY Another example from our field Imagine that you are testing the ability to guess the unknown words from the passage If you try to measure a specific ability in a particular test, THEN...

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY However; there is a concern about indirect tests. If you are testing a speaking ability indirectly, you cannot be sure that your testing has construct validity.

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY All in all; “construct validation is a research activity, the means by which theories are put to test and confirmed, modified and abandoned.” (Hughes,1941)

CONSTRUCT VALIDITY The question is; ‘Does the test relate to the underlyring theoretical concepts?

FACE VALIDITY What is face validity? If a test looks as though it evaluates what it is meant to evaluate.

FACE VALIDITY Also known as surface validity or appearance validity

FACE VALIDITY It is stated that ‘it is merely a subjective, superficial assesment of whether the measurment procedure you use in a study appears to be a valid measure of a given variable or construct (e.g., racial prejudice, balance, anxiety, etc.).’

FACE VALIDITY For instance,imagine a test ‘modal verbs’ ,face validity is concerned with whether the test look like a grammar test of modal verbs or not.

FACE VALIDITY Face validity does not require a review of the items or the use of statistical analyses. THEREFORE

FACE VALIDITY Hughes (1941) stated that ‘face validity is hardly a scientific concept, yet it is very important’ (p.27).

FACE VALIDITY The question is that; ‘Does the test appear to test what it aims to test?’

REFERENCES Hughes, A. (1941). Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.