Use Keyboard Arrows to Navigate Slide Show CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 What do the majority of emergency services prefer when it comes to important information sharing? CDs? Thumb Drives? E-Mail attachments? 3-Ring binders? Or… CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 What do the majority of emergency services prefer when it comes to important school information sharing? CDs? Thumb Drives? E-Mail attachments? 3-Ring binders? Or… ? CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
Information Sharing Network Old-School Technology A Likely Scenario The Life-Counts® Information Sharing Network versus Old-School Technology CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:30 New procedures in the response plan at the Local processing plant have been changed. T LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:30 The EHS Coordinator must make an update to the written plan and re-distribute it to; County EMA Police State Police Fire Company’s Incident Command Team LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:32 With changes made to the text document, This revision file is now dated and saved as an Adobe PDF file. The hard drive will be automatically backed up T LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:33 The EHS Coordinator logs in to Life-Counts® #1 deletes the old PDF file #2 uploads the revised PDF file LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:35 And logs out LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:35 ALL Emergency Services, essential company employees and their emergency response team can view the changes LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:35 Total elapsed time from login - to logout with Life-Counts®? LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday 08:35 Less than 5 Minutes! LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday The next day, the EHS Coordinator remembers that the County Emergency Management Agency has asked that all updates be sent to their department on thumb drives for their PC’s, and emergency response vehicles… * US Life Safety urges emergency services to permit Internet access to response vehicles LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday Another needs them for a 3-Ring binder… *Files located on the Life-Counts® network can be printed by the viewer using the proper Adobe software. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday and a third request is that they be sent via email attachments for their department’s own internal web site. * US Life Safety can connect Life-Counts® to any Internet web site…even secure password protect sites LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday The EHS Coordinator begins looking for several thumb drives. *Files located on the Life-Counts® network can be copied and saved to a user’s own file using the proper Adobe software. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday But does not have the time so instructs an assistant to locate thumb drives. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday And instructs the assistant to also re-print their newly revised Emergency Response Plan. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday Thumb drives must be purchased. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday Later in the day, the thumb drives are ready to have revised files added. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday Important phone call (Must take it!) This duplication task will have to wait. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday The next day, the EHS Coordinator spots the thumb drives on the desk and remembers the newly revised plan must now be saved to each of them. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday The EHS Coordinator must return several important calls before this added task can be done. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday But finally gets on the PC and copies the file onto each of the thumb drives. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday The EHS Coordinator or the assistant must now label each thumb drive with Company name, contents and revision date. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday The EHS Coordinator knows these changes are important to everyone and considers running them over to the other side of the county to deliver them… LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday But suddenly gets very busy and decides there is no time to run them over… so the assistant is asked to mail them. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday The assistant gets distracted but finally prepares the packages, places the thumb drives in a small box and the printed plans into an envelope. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday Packages weighed and postage added LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday They are ready for the afternoon mail pickup… LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday But the mail has already gone out. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday That’s ok…they’ll go out the very first thing in the morning and get there by Saturday. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Thursday The next day…the packages are picked up. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Saturday Post office hours have been cut short… there is no Saturday delivery. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday (The following week) The EHS Coordinator begins a new week and suddenly realizes that the 3rd request to send updated files via e-mail was not done. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday (The following week) The EHS Coordinator logs into the email account, selects that individual’s name and attaches the PDF file with the new changes. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Monday Meanwhile.. the mailed packages arrive at their destinations, but have not been opened immediately… LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday A day passes and the packages are finally opened. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday The thumb drives must now get to those who must have them. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday The new plans must replace the old plans in the 3-ring binders on the shelf. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday Phone calls are made to all end-users that new thumb drives with plan revisions have just arrived and they must replace the old thumb drives. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Thursday With several emergency calls and two days later, the First Responders have now received this notification and have picked up the new thumb drives. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Thursday There are many other high-risk facilities in the county. All thumb drives in many state emergency vehicles are on key chains in the glove compartments. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday (The next week) After several days, and many steps, All thumb drives are in each vehicle with the revised information in place. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday (The next week) The out-dated thumb drives must now be; returned, Information erased, or destroyed. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday (The next week) The out-dated paper plans are shredded. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday The new information is now in the hands of the remaining emergency services. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING READY FOR VIEWING CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday Except the file that was sent as an E-mail... LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Tuesday was inadvertently deleted. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday The next day, the lead foreman is transferred and is no longer the Incident Commander. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Thursday The next day the new site plans arrive from engineering showing an important change to the facility’s floor plan layout. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Friday And a new gas detection system has been installed. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday The EHS Coordinator gets this information and quickly makes these important changes Into the Life-Counts® network. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Emergency services have all new updates immediately available in their own Life-Counts® network; Offices, vehicles and mobile devices. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday The EHS Coordinator and staff are ready to get back to work. LIFE-COUNTS® NETWORK Old Methods READY FOR VIEWING NOT AVAILABLE CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
“Old information is dangerous!” Steve Burchesky CONFIDENTIAL - US Life Safety, Inc. 2015
Your Life-Counts® Representative Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania Steve Burchesky Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania 724-746-3766 ©March 2015 - US Life Safety, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2013 US Life Safety, Inc. Life-Counts®, Your Life-Counts® tutorials and all related written material is privileged information and shared only with our prospective clients and their employees with the understanding of strict confidentiality. It is illegal to share your password and/or or this proprietary information with any person or persons. Building emergency plans, floor plans and assessment/quizzes are exclusively written and/or approved for content and correctness by our Clients and submitted to the Producer, US Life Safety, Inc., for installation into Client's Life-Counts® service. The Producer, makes no representations or warranties with respect to the correctness and accuracy of information presented on Life-Counts® sites. The Producer will rely exclusively on the information provided by the Client in connection with their work on this project and the Client will review and approve the final contents of all material. The Producer does not hold himself out solely as an expert on the subject matter of plans and information submitted and will act solely at the direction and behest, and for the benefit of, the Client. Any advice, recommendations or instructions contained in Life-Counts®, such as plans, floor plans, scripts, photos and/or video are those of the Client and not those of the Producer. Questions that may be suggested by US Life Safety, Inc. for the assessment/quiz (testing phase) will have final approval by Client. The services offered by US Life Safety Inc. are to provide; a means of presenting these plans to employees/occupants of said buildings, online testing and a database service for management to track users. US Life Safety, Inc. will not sell, loan, or reveal Client privileged information either before, during or after contract signing or after cancellation of contracts. This includes any roster of user or associate names, phone numbers, e-mails/passwords, applicable ID’s and/or plans given to US Life Safety, Inc. for data base storage. 8/2012