The World in 1450
The World Changed in 1500 The Beginning of “the early modern period” ✔ the emergence of global trading networks ✔ the retreat and collapse of old empires ✔ the birth of new empires ✔ the emergence of Europe as a global power
China: The Ming Dynasty Zheng He 1405-1433
Revised Schedule – this week Tuesday – June 27 – “The World in 1450” and “European Empires in the Americas” Wednesday – June 28 – “Colonial Societies” and “Russian Empire” Thursday – June 29 -- “Asian Empires” and review for exam Friday – June 30 – Exam and TA led Discussion (papers due)
The Ottoman Turks 1453 – Turks seize Constantinople from the Byzantine Empire
Empires in the Americas Aztec Inca Maya Olmec
The Rise of Nation States in Europe England Spain France Strong Monarchs Seek wealth
European Exploration, after 1500
The Renaissance A cultural and intellectual movement Reexamining Greek and Roman texts New Ways of thinking Challenging old Ideas