Welcome! February 13th, 2018 Tuesday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Tuesday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to guess the meaning of the word. Make sure you explain your thinking! Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Although I did not want to go to the movie with Jill, she begged Read the following sentence and guess the meaning of the word acquiesce based on the context. Although I did not want to go to the movie with Jill, she begged which caused me to acquiesce. To acquiesce is to accept or agree with something reluctantly but without protest. © Presto Plans
Hamlet: Film Comparison For the next two class periods, we’re going to watch two film versions of Hamlet – one is from 1996 by Kenneth Branagh, and the other is a more modern version by Gregory Doran from 2009. As we watch each version, your job is to compare each film with the original text. You should look for differences in characterization, plot, and any cinematic techniques that you think add something “more” that wasn’t present in the text. Once we finish, your job will be to argue which version is “best.”
Hamlet: Film Comparison After you finish your Venn Diagram, complete your response to the prompt on the back of your handout: Prompt: Do you think Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet is a good interpretation of the text? Why or why not? Be sure to refer to and discuss at least three major differences between Branagh’s Hamlet and the text and provide reasons for your opinions. If you finish your prompt early, you are welcome to finish your character maps or your character journals if you’re not finished yet.