OSP Federal Update April 11, 2018
NIH Salary Cap Increase Effective Jan.7, 2018 [Footer] NIH Salary Cap Increase Effective Jan.7, 2018 On March 7, 2018, NIH released NOT-OD-18-137, which gave notice of the NIH new salary cap effective January 7, 2018. The cap increases to $189,600.
NIH Forms E Effective January 25, 2018 [Footer] NIH Forms E Effective January 25, 2018 Forms E Grant Application Forms and Instructions must be used now. Contact your Pre Award Grants Officer if you would like to arrange a Faculty or DRA Info Session in your area.
NSF update FASTLANE REGISTRATION [Footer] NSF update FASTLANE REGISTRATION Effective March 26, 2018 NSF rolling out new CENTRALIZED registration process in Resarch.gov Each user will have a single profile and unique identifier (i.e., NSF ID) for signing into Fastlane and Research.gov New users will register NOW directly with NSF through Research.gov via this link: https://www.research.gov/accountmgmt/#/registration
[Footer] New Functionality Allows users to create and self-manage accounts including personal information and role requests. Since OSP will no longer be able to access or maintain PI accounts in Fastlane, PI’s are responsible for maintaining their own Fastlane accounts.
[Footer] Existing NSF Accounts If you already have an existing NSF account, information will be migrated to the new system through a simple one-time operation when signing into Fastlane or Research.gov now. Users with existing NSF accounts can access the NSF ID Lookup page for their NSF ID https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/researchadmin/nsfIdLookupRead.do
Research.gov What’s New? [Footer] Research.gov What’s New? Beginning April 30, 2018, proposers will be able to prepare and submit full, NSF research non-collaborative proposals in Research.gov. The initial release of this new Research.gov capability will run in parallel with existing FastLane proposal preparation and submission capabilities Is my PI now required to submit through Research.gov instead of Fastlane? No. Dartmouth will continue to submit via FastLane until further notice. If your PI has an interest in using Research.gov, please contact your Grants Officer
NSF Grant Proposal Guide Updated [Footer] NSF Grant Proposal Guide Updated Reminder: NSF updated the Grant Proposal Guide, NSF 18-1, effective January 29, 2018 https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappg18_1/index.jsp Please review Significant Changes and Clarifications section at the beginning of the Guide.
[Footer] Thank you