Italian high speed lines Development of the italian railway
Modal balance 92,7% of passengers and 65% of freight are carried by road Only 5,44% of passengers and 10,74 of freight are carried by train Data taken by National Transport Survey 1999
Most of the traffic is concentrated in few lines Turin-Venice and Milan-Naples account about 10% of rail network Carry more than 40% of all passengers Carry almost 30% of freights Sources FS spa
Relation about the project As stressed at the Eurailspeed 2002 (Madrid 23 -25 october) by Mauro Moretti, chairman of RFI, the lines involved in the project are the Turin – Milan - Naples and the so called ”rest of the system” On the new lines there will be both passenger and freight trains as in Germany The line will improve both the speed and the number of trains: that´s why it is called also high speed/high capacity
The project
Milan - Turin Length: 125 km (first part of corridor 5 Lisbona - Kiev) Time: 50 min (105) Max speed: 300km/h Cost: 6878 mil euro Workers: 2850 Progress: 19% Turin – Novara ready by 2006 Novara – Milan ready by 2008 (data updated at January 31)
Number of trains
Start working
Milan - Bologna Length: 182 Km Time: 60 min (102) Max speed: 300 km/h (240 km/h in Modena) Cost: 6159 mil euro Workers: 3150/4500 Progress 22% Ready by 2007
Number of trains
Working on the Po Bridge
Bologna - Florence Length: 78 km (73 km in tunnels) Time: 30 min (52) Max speed: 300 km/h (100 km/h in the suburban area of Florence) Cost: 4700 mil euro Workers: 2450 Progress: 64% Ready by 2007
Number of trains
Working on tunnel
Rome - Florence It came into service in 1991 (first part in 1978) Length: 254 km Max speed allowed now: 250 km/h Upgrading to the standards of the new high-speed lines Time: 80 min (96) Cost: 300 mil euro
Number of trains
Florence station
Rome - Naples Length: 205 km Time: 65 min (105) Max speed: 300 km/h Cost: 4984 mil euro Workers: 648 180 km of the new line are ready Tests on the ERTMS system will start on April in the first 100 km Progress: 87% It will come into service in 2004
Number of trains
Cost of a trip between Torin and Naples car train plane direct cost 277,63 65,92 161,53 external cost 109,76 20,95 28,92 total 387,39 86,87 190,45
Way of financing Total cost: 28.750 million Euro 60% of the total cost is given by the government and the EU (Rm–Na, Bo–Fi) 40% of the cost is risen from the capital market (debt with pubblic guarantee, for instance 2369 ml from BEI, 1033 ml from Merrill Lynch Bank)
Other lines in project Milan – Venice (pending approval) completely ready by 2011? Milan – Genoa (pending approval) first part ready by 2010? Venice – Trieste - Lubiana (in project) Turin – Lion (in project) Naples – Palermo (in project)
Number of trains
Number of trains
Speed and time Line (source: FS supply 98/99 ) Current distance (km) Distance of the new line (km) Current times (minutes) Times on new lines (minutes) Average speed (km/h) Turin - Milan 153 125 105 50 150 Milan-Bologna 215 182 102 60 Bologna - Florence 92 78 52 30 156 Florence-Rome 262 254 96 80 190,5 Rome-Naples 214 204 65 189
Time saved
Time Milan – Rome 2h 50 m (4h10m) Milan – Naples 3h 55 m (5h55m) Milan – Florence 1h 30 m (2h34m) Rome – Bologna 1h 50 m (2h28m) Florence – Naples 2h 25 m (3h21m) Turin – Rome 3h 40 m (5h55m) Turin – Naples 4h 55 m (7h40m)
Waiting for 2007