The Rise of Rome The Roman Republic /
The Roman Republic The Legend of Romulus and Remus Aeneas (Trojan) leads small group, wanders Mediterranean Settle on Italian coast, found Alba Longa 400 yrs ruled by Aeneas family Numitor vs. Amulius Brothers N. older but A. took throne by force
The Roman Republic The Legend of Romulus and Remus Numitor vs. Amulius A. forces N.’s only daughter, Rhea, to be Vestal Virgin (*no heir*) Rhea has twins, Romulus and Remus claims Mars is the father A. orders boys killed Escape in a basket, raised by a wolf
The Roman Republic The Legend of Romulus and Remus R. & R. kill Amulius and restore kingdom to Numitor R. & R. want to start their own city. Disagree on location Omen of the Vultures Both think it favors their choice. Romulus kills Remus Romulus founds Rome 753 B.C. Disappears in a thunderstorm
The Roman Republic Geography Rome founded on 7 hills Fertile soil More easily defended Fertile soil Tiber River Apennines Mountain Range - East Tyrrhenian Sea – West Adriatic Sea - East Center of the Italian Peninsula Advantages
The Roman Republic Etruscans Located N. of Rome Took control around 600 BC Romans revolt ~ 509 BC According to ancient Roman historians. Date in question Lucretia Romans keep many Etruscan ideas Alphabet, gods, clothing
The Roman Republic Founding of the Republic Romans don’t want absolute ruler Found Republic Male + age 15 + descendents of original tribes = citizen (originally) Definition changes over time Different levels of citizen
The Roman Republic Government Classes Patricians: Plebeians: Slaves: Family had $$, full citizen, top/elite class Plebeians: Working class, citizen (could not vote or hold office) Slaves: POWs, could earn or buy freedom and become citizen
The Roman Republic Government Senate Consuls Similar to legislative branch Originally 300 patrician men, plebeians could not hold office Consuls Two officials Chief executives Led the Senate One year term
The Roman Republic Government Dictator Praetor Only used in emergencies Appointed by Senate Six month office Praetor Junior Consuls Served as judges Help develop laws
The Roman Republic Patrician vs. Plebeian Different attitudes and interests Patricians had the RIGHT to rule Plebeians wanted the RIGHT to be respected Plebeians form their own groups, protect interests Plebeians migrate to cities for work
The Roman Republic Patrician vs. Plebeian Plebeians refuse to fight in military Threaten to walk out Twelve Tables Laws for all citizens (Patricians and Plebeians)