Overview of ASW Process
1 6 5 4 3 2 Effectiveness Status NC Educator Evaluation System 5 Rating Categories 1 6 5 4 3 2 Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Facilitate Learning Reflect on Practice Contribute to Academic Success 3 Rating Categories Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished The rating categories used for Standards 1-5 are different from those used for Standard 6 because of the nature of the focus for the sixth standard (student growth data). The focus for Standards 1 through 5 for teachers is their skills, knowledge and behavior, whereas Standard 6 focuses on student growth outcomes. Remember that there are 5 rating categories for Standards 1-5 ranging from Not Demonstrated to Distinguished. Standard 6 has 3 rating categories which are Does Not Meet Expected Growth, Meets Expected Growth, and Exceeds Expected Growth. Click
Overview of Standard 6 6 Analysis of Student Work End of Grade (EOG) or End of Course (EOC) tests 6 NC Final Exams Career Technical Education Assessment Analysis of Student Work K-3 Checkpoints Contribute to Academic Success Every teacher will have data for Standard 6, but the source of that data will depend on what a teacher teaches. This slide shows the different sources or measures for Standard 6. In this module, we will focus on the Analysis of Student Work Process. Click
Analysis of Student Work In 2014-2015, ASW is the Standard 6 measure for teachers in Advanced Placement, Arts Education, Healthful Living, International Baccalaureate, and World Languages. Growth is based on student work submitted by teachers and rated by content experts in a “blind review” process. Contribute to Academic Success The Analysis of Student Work or ASW process is the Standard 6 measure for educators in Advanced Placement, Arts Education, Healthful Living, International Baccalaureate, and World Languages. The ASW process links the measurement of student growth to teacher effectiveness through an analysis of student work samples submitted by teachers that are rated by content experts in a “blind review” process. The content experts will have experience in the content area and be very familiar with the objectives from the North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES). They will not know the names of the teachers whose student work samples they review or the locations of the schools. Click 6 Analysis of Student Work
Overview: Analysis of Student Work ASW Process This image breaks down the roles of the Online Platform and the roles of the Teacher in the ASW Process. Please note that, while the teacher maintains much decisionmaking power in this system, the online platform performs such tasks as selecting the classes from which the teacher will collect evidence, selecting the students for whom teachers will submit the evidence, and providing the interface through which reviewers rate each Timelapse Artifact and evidence collection. Click This graphic is from the ASW Overview document, which is posted on the wiki under Important Forms (http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ImportantForms).
ASW Process: A Quick Guide Let’s focus in on the first step of the ASW Process: Teachers confirm their schedule Click This graphic is from the ASW Quick Guide document, which is posted on the wiki under Important Forms (http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ImportantForms).
Teaching Context Screen shot At the beginning of the year, teachers will log into the ASW Online Platform and validate their schedule for the year. Note that teachers with block schedules will only validate their schedules for the first semester. The purpose of this step is to ensure that the online platform selects classes from the teacher’s accurate schedule. It is very important that the correct course codes are being used. The objectives that teachers select from for the ASW process are tied to the course codes on their schedules. If a course code is incorrect, or if there are other issues with a teacher’s schedule, the teacher needs to contact the district’s PowerSchool coordinator so that the problem can be fixed. Please see the list of course codes in use for the ASW Process on the wiki GT Magnet schools Data Managers and Prinicipals were sent an email in August detailing scheduling processes to align with ASW Schedule Pull.
Determining Participation 1. If 60% of an educator’s classes are in ASW subject areas, then the educator must participate in both ASW and any other Standard 6 measure covering the remaining classes. 2. If 60% of an educator’s classes are not in ASW identified areas, then the teacher is not required to participate in ASW. *Please note that locally developed electives that do not follow the standards set forth in the NC Standard Course of Study are not included in the ASW Process.
Principal’s Input Principal receives a notification once a teacher’s schedule has been validated. The principal will then log into the Online Platform to confirm that the schedule is correct. After the teacher validates the schedule in the Online Platform, the principal will receive a notification from the online platform. The principal will need to log into the online platform and confirm that the teacher’s schedule is correct.
Class Selection Beginning in 2014 – 2015, the online platform will select the classes in which the teacher must collect artifacts. Beginning in 2014 – 2015, the online platform will select the classes in which the teacher must collect artifacts. The online platform has been designed to select a representative sample of the teacher’s classes, and the software picks unique classes first. This means that the online platform will look for different course codes and choose as many of those as possible for the total of five courses. Here are some high school examples: If a teacher on a traditional schedule has two sections of French I (1101), two sections of French II (1102), and 1 section each of French III (1103) and French IV (1104), then the online platform would likely select a section of French I, a section of French II, French III, and French IV, and then add either the other section of French I or French II so that the teacher has five classes for the ASW process. If a teacher on a block schedule has an AP U.S. History course, an AP World History course, and a local history course during 1st semester, and then for 2nd semester has an AP U.S. Government & Politics course, an AP Psychology course, and a current events course, then, in the fall, the online platform will select the 2 AP classes from 1st semester. At the beginning of 2nd semester, the online platform will select 3 classes to bring the total up to five classes for the year. For example, the AP U.S. Government & Politics course and the AP Psychology course would be selected, and then one of those courses would be indicated again so that the teacher could choose 3 objectives. Here are some K-8 examples: If an elementary physical education teacher has four classes in each grade level, which is 24 classes total, the online platform will select 1 class from each grade level up to five classes. For example, the online platform could select a class from kindergarten, a class from 1st grade, a class from 2nd grade, a class from 3rd grade, and a class from 4th grade so that the teacher has five classes for the ASW process. If a middle school music teacher has a series of 9-week courses on a wheel where each group or section of students has music for 45 minutes per day for 9 weeks or 1 quarter of the school year, then the schedule would list six sections of 6th – 8th grade music (5209) each quarter. At the beginning of the year, online platform would select one section from the 1st quarter and one section from the 2nd quarter. In January, the online platform would choose one section from the 3rd quarter, one section from the 4th quarter, and one additional section from either the 3rd quarter or the 4th quarter, so that there is a total of three for 2nd semester and a total of five classes for the school year. There are a wide variety of schedules, so the online platform needs to be able to access an accurate schedule for each teacher.
Objective Selection Objectives: Using the Strands and Standards guidance charts, the teacher will choose 5 objectives. Using the Strands and Standards guidance charts, teachers will choose 5 objectives which is one for each class or section that the online platform selected for the ASW process. Teachers with fewer than five classes will choose multiple objectives from the same class.
In the full implementation next year, teachers who provide instruction in Healthful Living, a combination of Health and Physical Education, should choose four clarifying objective representing an identified combination of the 9 strands of Healthful Living, plus one additional objective representing any of the 9 individual strands of Health and Physical Education. These objectives should be used to compile 5 timelapse artifacts. One clarifying objective should be chosen from the combination of: Mental and Emotional Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity or Alcohol Tobacco and other drugs. These strands are highlighted in peach. Personal and Consumer Health or Interpersonal Communication & Relationship strands. They are highlighted in orange. Motor Skills or Movement Concepts strands. They are highlighted in green. Health-Related Fitness or Personal & Social Responsibility strands. They are highlighted in blue. One additional objective should be chosen representing any of the 9 strands of Health and Physical Education
Principal’s Input Principal meets with the teacher to confirm that the 5 objectives chosen use the parameters in the Strands & Standards Guidance Chart Some examples of meetings: PDPs teacher meetings Principal meets with the teacher to confirm that the 5 objectives chosen use the parameters in the Strands & Standards Guidance Chart Some examples of meetings are PDPs or teacher meetings of any kind, formal or informal. The goal is for the ASW process to integrate smoothly into existing work on the annual evaluation process.
5 Timelapse Artifacts Teacher decisions needed to compile a Timelapse Artifact (TA): A specific objective Sample type Individual Student or Whole Class Collection Method Samples from Point 1 and Point 2 Context There are several items needed to compile a Timelapse Artifact: A specific objective to measure over 2 distinct points in time; Click The selected TA option, either individual student or whole class; Click A method or tool for collecting; Click 2 work samples; and Context. Teachers may choose their type of student grouping for each Timelapse Artifact in their Evidence Collection. Student or Whole Class Work Samples, which are evidences, can be any kind of uploadable file or files, as specified with parameters for the online platform, that convey meaningful and authentic student learning in the classroom. The two evidences that encompass a Timelapse Artifact should demonstrate growth from the same student or group in relationship to the identified objective. If needed, supporting document(s) may be linked to the narrative (For example, dance notation, sheet music, clips of audio or video prompts, readings, scoring rubrics, event programs, excerpts of published works, play diagram, etc.). Later in the ASW process when it is time to upload Timelapse Artifacts, teachers will respond to 3 questions related to the teaching context and the work samples. This will not happen until the end of the semester or the end of the year.
Time passes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teachers Collect Work Samples for Timelapse Artifacts Teachers have time throughout the semester or year to collect student work samples AFTER decisions are made on objectives, sample types, and collection methods, but BEFORE the online platform selects students for Individual Student Work Samples and the teacher upload of Timelapse Artifacts.
Student Selection Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Individual Student Work Samples Online platform will select 3 students The TA will be compiled using the Individual Student Work Samples from these selected students. TA 1 When it is time to upload Timelapse Artifacts that are Individual Student Work Samples, teachers will receive a random sample of students for whom they must upload Timelapse Artifacts to the online platform. The online platform will randomly identify or select 3 students for each objective chosen by the teacher. The TA will be compiled using the Student Work Samples from these selected students.
Student Selection Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Individual Student Work Samples If a student work sample is unavailable, that student will be reshuffled and another student will be selected. TA 1 If a work sample from a selected student is unavailable, the teacher may request that the online platform identify a new student to replace that one. This may occur if a student was not present for instruction at either the first or the second point in time. Or, if the evidence includes the student’s face and a release form could not be obtained, the teacher may request a reshuffle. Then, the missing student will be reshuffled by the online platform and another student will replace the one that has been reshuffled. Teachers may only reshuffle each student one time.
TA 1 Principal’s Input The Principal is notified when a reshuffle is used by a teacher. TA 1 Teachers may only reshuffle each student one time, and the principal is notified. If the reshuffle is another student for which the teacher is missing evidence, the principal will be able to assist the teacher in finding a student with complete evidence, such as unlocking the reshuffle for that student so that it can be redone by the teacher. More details about the reshuffle component of the ASW process will be available in the coming months.
Upload Evidence Context for 1st work sample in each Timelapse Artifact How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? This artifact was created using an 8th grade Healthful Living Health Education Class containing 32 students before instruction on the objective began. In this video, the student did not show proper technique in the their performance of CPR in the following ways. 1. The students body position has him sitting on the victims waist. 2. The hands have been placed separately on the victims upper chest. 3. The compressions given are of insufficient depth and are given too slow. 4. The elbows are bending during the compression. For each set of work samples in a Timelapse Artifact, the teacher will provide context in narrative form. For Point 1, the teacher will write a response to the question: How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? The response needs to answer the question directly. Teachers are encouraged to be succinct and are welcome to use a few sentences or even bullet points in their response. Examples of context with evidence from different content areas are available on the Online Modules page of the wiki: http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/OnlineModules. Click
Upload Evidence Context for Growth in each Timelapse Artifact Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. CPR performed with the technique in video #1 was inadequate and would not have given the victim an opportunity to survive. The technique in video #2 would provide blood flow and oxygen to give the victim a chance of survival For each set of work samples in a Timelapse Artifact, the teacher will provide context in narrative form. Finally, the teacher will write a response to the statement: Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. The response needs to answer the statement directly. Teachers are encouraged to be succinct and are welcome to use a few sentences or even bullet points in their response. Examples of context with evidence from different content areas are available on the Online Modules page of the wiki: http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/OnlineModules. Click
Upload Evidence TA 3 Student TA 1 Student All 5 Timelapse Artifacts will be uploaded to the online platform as the teacher’s Evidence Collection for the school year. TA 4 Student TA 2 Whole Class Teachers will compile all five of their Timelapse Artifacts to create their Evidence Collection, which will then be uploaded to the Online Platform. Note: An Evidence Collection can be made up of any combination of Timelapse Artifacts. It is the teacher’s decision to choose Whole Class or Individual Student Work Samples for each Timelapse Artifact. Once a teacher has uploaded the Evidence Collection, his or her work for the ASW process is complete for the year. TA 5 Whole Class
Blind Review The Evidence Collection will be reviewed by 2 content area specialists. E D M Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 The Evidence Collection will be reviewed by two content area specialists. This is a blind review because the teacher does not know who the reviewers are and the reviewers do not know who the teacher is. The reviewer assigns a category rating (Does Not Meet, Meets, or Exceeds Expected Growth) to each Timelapse Artifact and then an overall rating for the Evidence Collection. Reviewers are fully licensed North Carolina educators with a minimum of 5 years classroom experience in the subject areas they review.
Blind Review If the category ratings from the two reviewers are not the same, the Evidence Collection is automatically sent to a 3rd reviewer for an additional review to get a rating for that year. Reviewer #3 If the category ratings from the two reviewers are not the same, the Evidence Collection is automatically sent to a 3rd reviewer for an additional review to get a rating for that year. The third reviewer can only assign a category rating to the Evidence Collection that was given by one of the first two reviewers. Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 M E
6 Effectiveness Status 3 Years of Combined Data for Standard 6 An educator receives an Effectiveness Status when he or she has 3 years of their own data for Standard 6 The use of three years of combined data for Standard 6 to determine Status is the same for any process used to calculate a Standard 6 rating, including ASW, NC Final Exams, EOCs, EOGs, K-3 Checkpoints, and CTE assessments. Click
Questions about Educator Effectiveness, NCEES or ASW Visit www.ncpublicschools.org/effectiveness-model or http://ncees.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ NCEES+Wiki ASW Wiki at http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ You can also email questions to bglendenning@wcpss.net for Healthful Living Egrimes-droessler@wcpss.net for the Arts Dramirez-carter@wcpss.net for World Languages Sgolden-perry@wcpss.net for AP/IB ehiggins@wcpss.net for Course Codes Information about Educator Effectiveness is posted online at www.ncpublicschools.org/effectiveness-model and details about the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) are on the wikispace at http://ncees.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/NCEES+Wiki Resources and materials for use in implementing the ASW Process are available on the ASW wiki at http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ . The ASW wiki is public, so it is not necessary to request to join the wiki. Everyone already has access to all of the materials posted on the wiki, including PowerPoint slides, PDFs, handouts, activities, and other resources. Feel free to download what you need from the wiki to use and/or adapt for local training. If you have additional questions that are not answered on the wiki, send an email to educatoreffectiveness@dpi.nc.gov. Click