Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics — 2004 Update
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Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Trends for Males and Females United States: 1979-2001 Source: CDC/NCHS. p2
Deaths From Diseases of the Heart United States: 1900-2001 Source: CDC/NCHS. p5
Hospital Discharges for Cardiovascular Diseases United States: 1970-2001 Note: Hospital discharges include people both living and dead. Source: CDC/NCHS. p5
Percentage Breakdown of Deaths from Cardiovascular Diseases United States: 2001 Source: CDC/NCHS. p5
Prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases in Americans Age 20 and Older by Age and Sex NHANES III: 1988-94 Note: These data include CHD, CHF, stroke and hypertension. Source: CDC/NCHS. p5
Leading Causes of Death for All Males and Females United States: 2001 A Total CVD B Cancer C Accidents D Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases E Diabetes Mellitus F Alzheimer’s Disease Source: CDC/NCHS. p6
Leading Causes of Death for White Males and Females United States: 2001 A Total CVD B Cancer C Accidents D Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases E Diabetes Mellitus F Alzheimer’s Disease G Influenza and Pneumonia Source: CDC/NCHS. p6
Leading Causes of Death for Black or African-American Males and Females United States: 2001 Source: CDC/NCHS. p6
Leading Causes of Death for Hispanic or Latino Males and Females United States: 2001 A Diseases of the Heart, and Stroke B Cancer C Accidents D Assault (Homicide) E Diabetes Mellitus F Influenza and Pneumonia Source: CDC/NCHS. p6
Leading Causes of Death for Asian/Pacific Islander Males and Females United States: 2001 A Diseases of the Heart, and Stroke B Cancer C Accidents D Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases E Influenza and Pneumonia F Diabetes Mellitus Source: CDC/NCHS. p7
Leading Causes of Death for American Indian/Alaska Native Males and Females United States: 2001 A Diseases of the Heart, and Stroke B Cancer C Accidents D Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis E Diabetes Mellitus F Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases p7 Source: CDC/NCHS.
Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Lung and Breast Cancer for White and Black Females United States: 2001 Source: CDC/NCHS. p7
Estimated 10-Year CHD Risk in 55-Year-Old Adults According to Levels of Various Risk Factors – Framingham Heart Study A B C D Blood Pressure (mm Hg) 120/80 140/90 140/90 140/90 Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) 200 240 240 240 HDL Cholesterol (mg/dL) 50 50 40 40 Diabetes No No Yes Yes Cigarettes No No No Yes mm Hg = millimeters of mercury mg/dL = milligrams per deciliter of blood Source: Wilson PWF, et al. Circulation. 1998;97:1837-1847. p11
Annual Number of Americans Having Diagnosed Heart Attack by Age and Sex ARIC: 1987-2000 Note: These data don’t include silent myocardial infarctions. Source: Extrapolated from rates in the NHLBI’s ARIC surveillance study, 1987-2000. p11
Annual Rate of First Heart Attacks by Age, Sex and Race ARIC: 1987-2000 Source: NHLBI’s ARIC surveillance study, 1987-2000. p12
Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease by Age and Sex NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: CDC/NCHS. p12
Hospital Discharges for Coronary Heart Disease by Sex United States: 1970-2001 Note: Hospital discharges include people both living and dead. Source: CDC/NCHS. p12
Risk for Stroke Mortality Among Racial/Ethnic Groups Compared With Non-Hispanic Whites, by Age United States: 1997 Note: Values greater than 1.0 indicate populations with higher relative risks. Values less than 1.0 indicate lower relative risks. Source: MMWR, Vol. 49, No. 5, Feb. 11, 2000, CDC/NCHS. p16
Prevalence of Stroke by Age and Sex NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: CDC/NCHS. p16
Annual Rate of First Cerebral Infarction by Age, Sex and Race Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study: 1993-94 Source: Unpublished data from the GCNKSS. p16
Annual Rate of First Intracerebral Hemorrhage by Age, Sex and Race Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study: 1993-94 Source: Unpublished data from the GCNKSS. p16
Estimated 10-Year Stroke Risk in 55-Year-Old Adults According to Levels of Various Risk Factors – Framingham Heart Study A B C D E F Systolic BP* 95-105 130-148 130-148 130-148 130-148 130-148 Diabetes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Cigarettes No No No Yes Yes Yes Prior Atrial Fibrillation No No No No Yes Yes Prior CVD No No No No No Yes * Blood pressures are in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Source: Wolf, PA, et al. Stroke. 1991;22:312-318. p16
Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Americans Age 20 and Older by Age and Sex NHANES IV: 1999-2000 Note: NA = data not available. Prevalence estimates for women ages 20-34 are considered unreliable. Source: Health, United States, 2003, CDC/NCHS. p18
Age-Adjusted Prevalence Trends for High Blood Pressure in Americans Ages 20-74 by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Survey NHANES II & IV: 1976-80 and 1999-2000 Source: CDC/NCHS. Health, United States, 2003. p18
Extent of Awareness, Treatment and Control of High Blood Pressure by Age NHANES IV: 1999-2000 Source: JAMA. 2003;290:199-206. p19
Extent of Awareness, Treatment and Control of High Blood Pressure by Race/Ethnicity NHANES IV: 1999-2000 Source: JAMA. 2003;290:199-206. p19
Prevalence of Congestive Heart Failure by Age and Sex NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: CDC/NCHS. p24
Hospital Discharges for Congestive Heart Failure by Sex United States: 1970-2001 Note: Hospital discharges include people both living and dead. Source: CDC/NCHS. p24
Prevalence of High School Students Using any Tobacco Product Within the Last 30 Days by Race/Ethnicity and Sex United States: 2001 Source: YRBS, MMWR, Vol. 51, No. SS-4, June 28, 2002, CDC/NCHS. p27
Prevalence of Current Smoking for Men Ages 18-24 by Education and Race/Ethnicity NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: JAMA. 1999;281:1006-1013. p27
Prevalence of Current Smoking for Women Ages 18-24 by Education and Race/Ethnicity NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: JAMA. 1999;281:1006-1013. p27
Trends in Mean Total Blood Cholesterol Among Adolescents Ages 12-17 by Sex, Race and Survey NHES III, NHANES I & III: 1966-70, 1971-74, 1988-94 Source: CDC/NCHS. Prev Med. 1998;27:879-890. p29
Prevalence of Students in Grades 9-12 Who Participated in Sufficient Vigorous or Moderate Physical Activity During the Past 7 Days by Race/Ethnicity and Sex United States: 2001 Source: YRBS, MMWR, Vol. 51, No. SS-4, June 28, 2002, CDC/NCHS. p31
Prevalence of Moderate or Vigorous Physical Activity in Americans Age 20 and Older by Sex, Race/Ethnicity and BMI NHANES III: 1988-94 Note: BMI indicates body mass index: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2). Source: CDC/NCHS. p31
Leisure-time Physical Activity (PA) Patterns Among Overweight Adults by Race/Ethnicity and Sex BRFSS: 1998 Source: MMWR, Vol. 49, No. 15, April 21, 2000, CDC/NCHS. p31
Prevalence of Overweight Among Students in Grades 9-12 by Sex and Race/Ethnicity United States: 2001 Note: Overweight is defined as BMI 95th percentile or higher by age and sex of the CDC growth chart. Source: YRBS, MMWR, Vol. 51, No. SS-4, June 28, 2002, CDC/NCHS. p33
Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Obesity in Americans Ages 20-74 by Sex and Survey NHES, NHANES I, NHANES II, NHANES III, NHANES IV: 1960-62, 1971-74, 1976-80, 1988-94 and 1999-2000 Note: Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30.0 or higher. Source: CDC/NCHS. p33
Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Physician-Diagnosed Diabetes in Americans Age 20 and Older by Sex and Race/Ethnicity NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: Diabetes Care. 1998;21:518-524. p35
Prevalence of Non-Insulin Dependent (Type 2) Diabetes in Women Ages 25-64 by Education and Race/Ethnicity NHANES III: 1988-94 Source: JAMA. 1998;280:356-362. p35
Trend in Heart Transplants UNOS: 1968-2002 Source: United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), scientific registry data. p40
Trends in Cardiovascular Operations and Procedures United States: 1979-2001 Source: CDC/NCHS. p41
Estimated Direct and Indirect Costs (in Billions of Dollars) of Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke United States: 2004 * Totals do not add up due to rounding and overlap. Source: All estimates prepared by Thomas Thom, NHLBI. p42