What is literature and why do we study it? An introduction to dramatic literature prepared by Camille Quamina
What is literature? -in general term, it is used to describe material that is either written or spoken -within the liberal arts, it concerns itself with the everyday existence of humanity -it may explore cultures and traditions and introduce us to new worlds -it employs the creative imagination in its content and by its use of language -it uses language to present human experience by appealing to senses, emotions and intellect - It includes works of poetry, drama, prose fiction and prose non fiction
Why do we study literature? We may discover meaning through the experiences presented in the text We do this by analysing and interpreting what the author says and how he/she says it We understand the universal through the specific everyday existence of humanity (through concrete circumstance we understand the abstract universal) We see, hear and feel characters in action, thus recreating experience and building empathy
What makes literature unique? Where history records human existence and philosophy theorises on it, literature reflects humanity through an artistic prism or lens (artistic selection) A worldview or set of values is implicit in every piece of literary work The playwright, poet, or film maker selects that which is most important in order to ask ‘big questions’: Where have we come from? Where are we going? What is the meaning of life?
What makes literature unique? UNIVERSAL PARTICULAR ABSTRACT Philosophy Physical & Social Science CONCRETE Literature History The table show how literature relates universal themes through specific experience, as well as its relationship to other types of texts.
Why is literature art? Its relationship to art is as a result of its insistence on verbal form and order Works of art contain patterns, themes, balance, contrast, intricacy and complexity to name but a few In literature, beauty and form is just as important as truth and content The art and beauty helps the truth to resonate with us
A working definition for literature Literature may be considered the written presentation of an artistic interpretation of human experience.
Works Cited Hake, R. Steve. “Why study Literature”. Patrick Henry College: Pro Christo et Libertate. web. 2015 Lambardi, Esther. “Literature”. About Education. web. 2015